Fav RPG-Battle Style!

Started by Leafar, September 21, 2006, 08:23:24 PM

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My fav style of battle in rpg's is:

Final Fantasy
0 (0%)
Seiken Densetsu 3 (SNES)
1 (14.3%)
Tales of Phantasia
0 (0%)
2 (28.6%)
Super Mario RPG
1 (14.3%)
Crono Trigger
1 (14.3%)
None of the Above
2 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 4


see, for me the seiken densetsu 3 type makes playing less boring, yet FF style has way more details and i like that (like elemental specs; armor, weapons magic, etc...
All 4 styles has its good and bad points...so answer! ;)

Jack McSlay

personally I really liked the battle styles of games such as chrono trigger and Grandia, the idea of using location as a big differential in battles makes them a lot more interesting. (SKies of arcadia is like that too, but it doesn't count, the characters randomly choosing between going towards the enemy or attacking from distance is painful, not to mention the very limited use for magic)
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Hey, you didn't add a 'None of the Above/Myrth' option!  I demand a recount!  Well, no, I don't, not really.  I'm just going to share a unique opinion.

To be honest, the stuff I like best is stuff that focuses on one character, primairly.  Neverwinter Nights was nice in tihs regard but I also loved Daggerfall.  The best system for me though (and one reviled by many) was Gothic.  Oh how I loved Gothic.

And I note, we're talking about battle systems here.  Those games all had really fun battle systems.  I loved being able to do the spinny Barbarian-like (old home-computer people will know what I'm talking about) head-chop thing with the axe.  Great stuff.


Super Mario RPG was fun, what category would that go under? :)

Oh looky, a poll option just for me! >:3

Drake Manaweilder

I suppose the KH (Kingdom Hearts) Battle system would go un "Action/Adventure" so I'll pick that.

Xuzaf D

If you wanted me to pick a style, then maybe you should have made styles an option instead of games. If we're just going to refer to every RPG as a different style of game, then we might as well just ask "What is your favorite RPG?"


Citation by example.

'Nuff said.


geez, settle down boys.... :mowdizzy
the game's names are just to ilustrate the idea in your minds! ;)
at least that's what i tried to do... :S


I was supporting your side of things, silly.  That's what I meant when I said 'citation by example'.

See, that means that you're stating how something works by citing an example, which is frequently how the professionals do it to save time.

Why write paragraphs of text explaining a battle system when you can just cite an example?


your communication skills amaze me Rowne!!!!!! ;)


Vandal Hearts ftw. Although it's AI is not the best and more often than not, predictable.


Sadly that's true.

It's also true of Shining Force but Shining Force II got around this by letting a second player hijack the enemy.  So I played that game with a friend and it was much, much harder than it by any rights should've been.  <.<