Abel and Pip's "dream" conversation

Started by Tuyu, October 31, 2017, 01:18:20 AM

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Been thinking about that arc recently, in light of new stuff we've learned about Pip:  If Pip's powerless, then that eliminates him as being able to cause Abel to dream, or insert himself in Abel's dream. And yet, dream-Pip's personality seemed consistent with what we've seen in the private scenes between him and Mab. As far as we know, Mab is the only one who knows Pip isn't just a drake, which would make it impossible for some unknown party to create that dream in Abel's mind and get Pip "right".

And I just realized something else:  Abel and Pip were apparently asleep at the same time. Pip was still asleep after Abel woke up. (#1098)

So, what if...Abel isn't able to dream, but while sleeping, his subconscious mind reached out and dream-surfed another nearby sleeping mind, one that had its normal defenses down due to sleep?

So what we saw was actually Abel participating in Pip's dream.


Dream-surfing is something that requires you to actively cast a spell.  Either way, I find it difficult to accept that Abel just so happened to dream about Pip and his hidden capabilities.
I still wonder if he retains some kind of telepathy alongside his power of omniscience.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I feel like it may have just been Abel's own mind scrambling his recent experiences and long-held traumas together, being two things that afaik are fairly common dream archetypes. Being aware that you're about to wake up is less common, but still very possible - I sometimes gain just enough consciousness to recognize I'm physically lying in bed while the actual dream continues, and even forced myself out of a few nightmares by willing myself to scream out loud and wake myself up properly.

Pip denied knowing anything about Abel pointing the Finger of Accusations at him, so it's questionable as to whether this is true or not.
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I'm saying Abel did not dream about Pip--Pip was there because Abel was in Pip's dreaming mind.

It fits a lot of things together:

Abel dreaming despite the fact that adult cubi don't dream:  Abel didn't dream at all.

Pip denying any knowledge of what Abel was talking about:  All it takes is for Pip to not remember that dream.

It also eliminates the need for an unknown third party to create that dream scenario and project it into Abel's mind without Mab noticing the intrusion.


Quote from: Tuyu on October 31, 2017, 03:56:34 PM
Pip denying any knowledge of what Abel was talking about:  All it takes is for Pip to not remember that dream.

Or he's lying.  Mab doesn't have omniscience in Furrae, so all he has to do is look confused and blame it on Abel.  She'll find out the truth when she's in the Fae Realm, and get angry.  But she won't remember it when she leaves.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tuyu on October 31, 2017, 03:56:34 PM
Abel dreaming despite the fact that adult cubi don't dream: 
Aary and Fa'Lina have a discussion a bit later about that, though. An entire clan lost the ability to dream all at once when their leader ascended, and after his death several of them regained their dreams. The theory is that, because he's no longer absorbing so much emotion, even passively, he's reverting back to more being-like state. He also dreams again after passing out at Jy's
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I have too many Cubi. Feel free to take some off my hands. Please.


Quote from: Tapewolf on October 31, 2017, 07:24:14 PM
She'll find out the truth when she's in the Fae Realm, and get angry.  But she won't remember it when she leaves.

Ooooh.  What happens if Mab takes someone like Jyrras into the Fae realm to act as amanuensis, and remember things told there which she could not remember herself?  Presumably that would be considered cheating...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E