Yo, want fries with that?

Started by Kenik, January 25, 2017, 10:04:23 AM

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Felicitations and greetings people of the Clockwork Mansion.
I am Kenik that is to say "Dog Man" if we're being literal. If interpreted negatively it means "Smelly and Arrogant". Positively it means "Loyal and Wise.
Kress is my familial name, it means "Noble", or "Of nobility", taken positively it means "Rightly given power", and negatively it means "Knows better than to commit such crimes".

Expect me to hang out more in the area of the Lost Lake Inn. As I'm really not too versed in the other comics here.
It also appears I've failed to get my avatar up. Such is life I suppose.

I am fond of healing, for its nobility. Music, for its rhythm. Fire, for its dance. Coffee, for its taste. Bats, for their wings. Copper, for its taste. Silver, for its aesthetic. Ponies, for their friendship. Dogs, for their familiarity. The Thesaurus, for its power. Tradition, for its practicality. And Purple, as it is the best color.

I dislike black magic, it never give what it offers. Elephants, for their looks. Monkeys, for their behavior. Alcohol, for its taste. Smoke, for its long term effects. Mice, for their everything. News agencies, for their shadyness. Gender Politics, as it is an unholy fusion of two barely comprehensible concepts. Shipping, for it's predictable inaccuracy. Sunlight, for it burns. Foreign languages, as in my land people should make effort to communicate with me not the inverse.

I have played many a game, and taken them apart to see why they work.
I am aligned closely with Justice, and begrudgingly with Mercy.
I hold a desire to slay those who claim humans are of no value.
My central vice is Sloth, and my central virtue appears to be Fortitude.

Those of you who know Homestuck will understand the following to a certain degree:
I am a Sylph of Heart, a Derse Dreamer, and wielder of Flailkind.
I reside On Locar(Land of Charge and Rhythm). My consorts are Turtles of a Purple hue.
I use the PLAN modus( It can drop, throw, pickup, use, and combine all at once, or in rapid succession. But cannot do anything unless you code out the actions in advance.)

I like Fey.


Welcome aboard.  Don't forget to check the rules if you haven't already done so!

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

James StarRunner

But I already did order fries...

Welcome to the board!


That's one hell of an introduction. Welcome, brother! We've been expecting you... >:3


That, is oddly foreboding. But thank you. Also I like making giant text piles.

I like Fey.

Castle Pokemetroid

Oh man, now I want some fries with something.


I like Fey.



Now I want curly waffle fries. I don't even know how that would work but I want it.

I like Fey.

Castle Pokemetroid

I don't understand, how could that even come into existence?



Fey are another good possibility.

I like Fey.


Ugh, just look at that karma, way to make me feel unwanted.

I like Fey.


Quote from: Kenik on February 11, 2017, 10:53:57 AM
Ugh, just look at that karma, way to make me feel unwanted.

I'm afraid the comments about 'hating gay stuff' didn't exactly go down well with people who are inclined that way.  I'm sure it will come out in the wash.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


 Or perhaps you've just rubbed one person the wrong way. It only takes one person with time on their hands and a will to click someone a lot.
"Death before Dishonor" they always said. It's because death is far less painful than eternal dishonor.


Quote from: Kenik on February 11, 2017, 10:53:57 AM
Ugh, just look at that karma, way to make me feel unwanted.

Ah, there are people here who like to hand out -karma just for kicks. I mean, look at my karma. I'm more negative than positive, yet everyone loves me! ~_^ *insert big sneeze here*


Quote from: Kenik on February 11, 2017, 10:53:57 AM
Ugh, just look at that karma, way to make me feel unwanted.

Karma isn't really something that matters around here. Heck, I remember the karma buttons being reversed some time ago for laffs (unless I'm misremembering things). And as CK pointed out, his is hecka low but he is very well-received. And mine's so high because of one person clicking it a lot for one dumb post I made. Karma is completely irrelevant...

If you want to know how you're doing with everybody, just pay attention to what they say to you.


Quote from: Merlin on February 11, 2017, 07:06:54 PM
Karma isn't really something that matters around here. Heck, I remember the karma buttons being reversed some time ago for laffs (unless I'm misremembering things). And as CK pointed out, his is hecka low but he is very well-received. And mine's so high because of one person clicking it a lot for one dumb post I made. Karma is completely irrelevant...

If you want to know how you're doing with everybody, just pay attention to what they say to you.

You remember correctly about the reversal and I toss out varied karma to pass the time.  Yup.  I get that bored when I'm at work.  I also like to move threads on people sometimes, but I haven't done that in a while...


My interactions here have been pretty mixed feeling. I suppose the big reason it hits so hard is because I'm used to receiving a LOT of hate for being honest.

I like Fey.


Quote from: Kenik on February 13, 2017, 07:03:33 AM
My interactions here have been pretty mixed feeling. I suppose the big reason it hits so hard is because I'm used to receiving a LOT of hate for being honest.

Honesty is good, but tact can be better :3

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Arguably, but I'd rather be brutally honest if I consider it important.

I like Fey.


Quote from: Kenik on February 13, 2017, 02:41:45 PM
Arguably, but I'd rather be brutally honest if I consider it important.

That's fair enough, but if you knowingly say things which people find offensive, you can't exactly complain about it when they get offended...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Kenik, there are gay people on this forum so if you say "gay stuff makes me feel sick" it comes across like you're insulting each and every one of them, or passing judgement on them.

What's more, if you're brutally honest with people, they'll be brutally honest with you. In a way, aren't all those people making things uncomfortable for you simply expressing the same brutal honesty that you think is worthy of protection? For all the hatred you receive, isn't that people just being brutally honest what they think about you?

And that's why honesty is a weak defense, if you really believe you should say whatever you want, you have to accept people doing the same to you in return.

It really helps to consider the point of view of the people you're talking too. You say you've been hit hard by receiving a lot of hate, well many gay people have received a lot of hate too. It's hard to sympathise with you when you seem to be adding to the hate that others receive (whether you intended that or not).

In short, try to be nicer to others and they'll be nicer to you.


You can say "honesty is important" all you want, but is it really important to even bring that stuff up in the first place? Honesty is important to me, however I've been on the forums for years and never felt the need to hop into comic threads and make sure everybody in there knows that I'm a gay satanist. And to do that wouldn't even be an attack on other people, whereas what you said.... well. Sofox is totally correct and way more eloquent than me, as usual.


You guys keep bringing up the "you didn't need to say that" bit. I came to that realization in the middle of that conversation. With all your harping on it though; I'm starting to think you needed me to come in here and shake things up. I'm not hurt by the negative karma, or the hate, I'm hurt that you would think so ill of me despite my intentions.
Next of all; if you are judging people by result, first of all your standards are ridiculously high for dealing with humans. But more relevantly I'm trying to get people to stop having conditions which are bad for their health(see below for more detail). Or at least break the delusion that they are healthy and don't need serious professional help.
However if you are judging people by intent, first of all, your standards are ridiculously low for dealing with humans, and secondly I'm a saint in this view. As I have nothing but the best intentions whether or not my methods can do anything helpful.

Quote from: Sofox on February 13, 2017, 04:10:47 PM
It really helps to consider the point of view of the people you're talking too. You say you've been hit hard by receiving a lot of hate, well many gay people have received a lot of hate too. It's hard to sympathise with you when you seem to be adding to the hate that others receive (whether you intended that or not).
You don't seem to get that I'm trying to be loving through unkindness. A lot of people don't get that touchy feely stuff isn't good for you if its all you get(space to recover is all well and good, unless you get so much of it that its absence will injure you). I get that the homogeneous mass of gay people take it personally when I say that gay stuff is sickening, but there are problems I have with that:
1) Sexual preference is not something you should internalize. That is to say; it should not be central enough that to dislike it is to dislike you. That would be putting all importance on your sexual organs which is a major reason why people with gender dysphoria have a 40% suicide rate, which is worse than twice the suicide rate of depression with worst case bullying as a cherry on top.(Incidentally if people can stop being gay I want them to.)
2) I am a Global Thinker, it is literally impossible for me not to consider the full(or at least majority) ramifications of any idea. When I hear the word "gay" I don't just think "sexual preference different from mine", I also think "butt sex", "every STD brought across borders by people associated with it", "every person who I've met that identifies themselves only by this trait", and how these people are going to be "married" when that tradition was designed to help raise kids which gay people are ill suited to do. (No I'm not being bigoted here, children need a strong male personality, and a strong female personality while growing in order to develop properly, in addition they learn how to deal with authority by how their mother treats their father.) Basically if you associate with all of this stuff, half of which is stuff I don't really agree with, and the rest of which is gross to think about in general. Just. Don't be surprised when I'm not smiling.
3) People think that gay people have brains the same as or near identical to the opposite sex. That however, is giving WAY too much credit to the libido. The actual article said "more like". That's pretty different from identical. To be more specific, there are difficult to communicate parts of gender(which in this instance is defined as the mental portion of biological sex). These parts influence what people are inclined to do, and how they rationalize doing it. I get that there are tomboys, and jessies out there. Sometimes they need each other, sometimes they need someone more like themselves. But for every same sex option there are nearly ten opposite sex options(the entire gender non-binary is 10% of the population, if we're using the questionably generous numbers). That would mean that they are MUCH more stuck in abusive relationships if they get in one. That's not cool, letting that happen is really REALLY not cool. Just pointing out the problem isn't going to help, at least trying to find a way to make gay people strait is trying to do SOMETHING about this absolutely horrible problem.
4) You should never EVER take offense on behalf of ANYONE else. If they are offended then a personal apology should be offered, in the specific circumstance that offense was a justified reaction. Taking offense for others however: Robs the people who are being "attacked" of any opportunity for personal growth. It robs the people who are "offending" of the ability to see the direct ramifications of their actions(and thus the chance for personal growth). And it robs you and everyone who interacts with you of your time. Offense is a personal slight, and you are claiming to be everyone who you are offended on behalf of. That is not healthy, that is not kind, that is not good. And honestly, you don't want to be half those people, they are sick and twisted.

Quote from: Merlin on February 14, 2017, 03:29:34 AM
And to do that wouldn't even be an attack on other people, whereas what you said.... well.
Woah there. Attack? Are you kidding me or delusional? That is a VERY serious thing to make a mistake about. When I say something isn't good for you, you should not be offended because it's a statement of fact if its an illness, and well intended miss otherwise. I don't tell people to stop being gay, it doesn't work so why bother. But the simple fact of the matter is raising children, the single thing I feel is most important about romance in general. Is something these people cannot do properly. And if they don't have a choice about the condition which makes them garbage at it, then they're sick. And if they're sick then letting them delusionally think they're healthy IS FUCKING SICK.
What's more, even if these people are in PERFECTLY good health, bear this in mind: As natural as being gay may be to you, being disgusted by it is equally natural to me. As such, I have the same right to be disgusted that you have to be that. One major reason that being gay was taboo in the past, is because sex is a behind closed doors personal interaction. If part of what is to be kept in the dark finds it's way into the light, that is public indecency. I don't care that there aren't other words for handling it. I don't like it when strait people do that either, because I want to have kids eventually, and I want to tell them the birds and the bees when I feel they're good and ready, not one minute earlier.

Ultimately; you are welcome to disagree with me. But if you're hatred of me is not reciprocated you should probably stop. If you still think I hate any of you, then you have a serious problem we need to talk about. Like right now. And claiming I'm the villain is a poor move if you don't have a moral foundation of your own.

I like Fey.


Wait... there are gay people in my forum? WHAT HAVE I WROUGHT?!
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


I'm going to be blunt with you, Kenik, since you seem keen on that sort of thing:  I don't care for any sort of preachy bullshit.  I didn't like it when someone came here to 'educate us about the ugliness of intolerance' and I don't like it when it's the 'mental illness that is homosexuality' crowd, either.  This isn't the place for your preaching.  Several folks (including a mod ffs, are you fucking blind?) have asked you very politely to step back and you've ignored that.  That is not how one holds civil discourse and ultimately is a stupid and douchey thing to do.

You can hold whatever views you like.  I frankly don't give a fuck.  However, if you're being a dick about it then you get the boots, capiche?

So to the point:  Tone it down, or take a hike.  This primarily is a forum for webcomics, not your stupid culture, religious or any other topic wars.  Either share in your love for a mutual interest, or piss off.  Consider this an official warning.

And a little note?  Sofox gave you some solid advice:  be nice and listen to others and they'll be nice and listen to you.  Think on that very carefully when you consider the kind of responses you're getting that you seem oh-so upset about.  No one likes a thin-skinned e-tough-guy.

Fucking wankers.


Exactly as Mow said, although I probably would have cussed more and maybe banned you as well. He's nicer than I am... and just let that sink in for a second.

In case you are wondering, I've counted a number of potential rule offenses you've already broken. Namely:

Rule I (of course, because it pretty much encompasses all the other rules)
Rule II (with maybe some treading on IIA)
Rule III (slightly -- that long post certainly veered into it, and I didn't find it amusing enough to let it slide)

And, depending on how strict we want to be, Rule VI was kind of touched on (since this has become less of a hello thread and more a discussion about how big a homophobic douche you are) and Rule XIII (since it kind of feels like you're complaining about this place).

Now, if you want to start a thread for open discussion about politics, feel free to open that debate in the Outer Fortress. I will happily own your ass all up and down that thread.

EDIT: FYI, it takes a lot for me to actually pay attention around here. You managed to get me to stand up and take notice. Maybe don't be proud of that.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Quote from: Darkmoon on February 15, 2017, 08:07:51 PM
EDIT: FYI, it takes a lot for me to actually pay attention around here. You managed to get me to stand up and take notice. Maybe don't be proud of that.

Same.  I can't even remember the last time I was actively posting in here.  Lurking?  Always.  You managed to get the attention of two mods and an admin/site owner.  Fucking amazing levels of douchebaggery in such a short time.


That's the thing. I'm always here, checking at least daily to make sure some idiot hasn't burned the place down before I get a chance to. I don't post (or, really, check much of anything) but you can bet if anything is brought to my attention I will zoom in to drop the thunder.

(Spoiler: the thunder in my penis)
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...