2016/11/14 [DMFA #1710] - Two in the Piñata

Started by Tapewolf, November 14, 2016, 06:10:42 AM

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Quote from: Foxx Trotter on November 15, 2016, 09:57:32 AM
Clan leaders can still shapeshift, meaning that they can also change their apparel at any time to whatever makes them feel comfortable.
yeah but you get the impression thats more of a emergency clothing situation thing than what they wear on a day to day basis. I mean considering most shape shifted clothing is made of hair how would you feel having to walk around in a hair dress and going nearly bald  :B


Quote from: KathYohneke on November 15, 2016, 10:10:45 AM
yeah but you get the impression thats more of a emergency clothing situation thing than what they wear on a day to day basis. I mean considering most shape shifted clothing is made of hair how would you feel having to walk around in a hair dress and going nearly bald  :B

It's also possible to conjure garments.  It's easier and less energy-intensive if the material has a simple structure, but time and energy is something a Clan Leader has an awful lot of.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Foxx Trotter

Quote from: KathYohneke on November 15, 2016, 10:10:45 AM
yeah but you get the impression thats more of a emergency clothing situation thing than what they wear on a day to day basis. I mean considering most shape shifted clothing is made of hair how would you feel having to walk around in a hair dress and going nearly bald  :B

Yeah, I didn't think about that part until looking back at Abel's Story.  In reference to what Tapewolf said, yes, magic would work as well.  Of course, magic requires experience.  It makes sense on those who have it and those who don't, being how often they change appearance.

Janus Whitefurr

Quote from: Amber Williams on November 14, 2016, 07:01:19 PM
Basically, until it hits actual comic...there is always a likelyhood things may change.

*many ancient jokes about Abel intensify*

*also first forum post in aeons. HELLO WORLD*
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.

Foxx Trotter

Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on November 15, 2016, 06:20:20 PM
*also first forum post in aeons. HELLO WORLD*

Well, then...welcome back. :)


The only thought that continues to pester me about clan leaders is this: If they're beings of pure energy, shouldn't they be able to take on a normal size and shape if they wanted to, as opposed to using their avatar puppets? Pure energy wouldn't be bound to any particular form (unless that's just a rule of Furrae, I suppose? If that's the case, that's okay. It's just a little thing that won't stop bugging me.  :B).

Or is it a case of they can, but don't want to?


Quote from: KaideGirault on November 16, 2016, 02:57:37 PM
The only thought that continues to pester me about clan leaders is this: If they're beings of pure energy, shouldn't they be able to take on a normal size and shape if they wanted to, as opposed to using their avatar puppets? Pure energy wouldn't be bound to any particular form (unless that's just a rule of Furrae, I suppose?).

Or is it a case of they can, but don't want to?
Clan leaders are "more magical than physical" but still have physical bodies. A Cubi can compress themselves via shapeshifting, but there is still a ratio of mass per volume that they can't go beyond. A compressed clan leader would still be very large.
Got a deviantArt account? Go join DMFAclub!

I have too many Cubi. Feel free to take some off my hands. Please.


Quote from: Cassi-kun on November 16, 2016, 03:03:21 PM
Quote from: KaideGirault on November 16, 2016, 02:57:37 PM
The only thought that continues to pester me about clan leaders is this: If they're beings of pure energy, shouldn't they be able to take on a normal size and shape if they wanted to, as opposed to using their avatar puppets? Pure energy wouldn't be bound to any particular form (unless that's just a rule of Furrae, I suppose?).

Or is it a case of they can, but don't want to?
Clan leaders are "more magical than physical" but still have physical bodies. A Cubi can compress themselves via shapeshifting, but there is still a ratio of mass per volume that they can't go beyond. A compressed clan leader would still be very large.
I see. That makes good sense. In that case, compressing themselves down to normal size would probably draw a fair bit of power and require concentration for no real gain, explaining why they don't bother.

I thought I remembered something about ascending being a transformation into pure energy, but apparently my memory has betrayed me again.  :rolleyes

Time to start from the beginning again!


Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on November 15, 2016, 06:20:20 PM
*many ancient jokes about Abel intensify*

*also first forum post in aeons. HELLO WORLD*

Back!  Back to where you came from vile fiend!  Back into the depths of irc!  Take the box with you.


Quote from: Jack McSlay on November 14, 2016, 03:37:04 PM
Think of the implications; that means Fa'lina's actual breasts are far larger
While this was not the actual focus of my thoughts, I was wondering whether Fa'lina's true self is huge like this  with a smaller avatar or as the sole remaining member of her clan she is actually the size we have always seen her.
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen


So now I have to wonder where Fa'Lina's actual body is, since I assume she's just as powerfully large and in charge as all the other Clan leaders, despite not having a clan anymore. Is it beneath SAIA? That being said, I'm really interested in what is going to happen next!

Also there shouldn't be a reason for her to be small; the clan was lost, not the leadership status. No wonder the Dragons, or at least those like Hizell, have issues with Cubi, because I think they're the only race that can ascend and get as large as them, if not larger. Other comments; What exactly are Dragons using to make it difficult for Cubi to ascend to power or the dwindling of the Angel race (since Zezzuva mentioned that being something they're involved in.)


Quote from: FolksyFox on November 17, 2016, 04:32:46 AM
No wonder the Dragons, or at least those like Hizell, have issues with Cubi, because I think they're the only race that can ascend and get as large as them, if not larger.
If Aliyka is anything to go by, Phoenixes can go into Giant Cat Mode and give dragons a run for their money.  If there is a kill list, they're probably further down it, though.

QuoteOther comments; What exactly are Dragons using to make it difficult for Cubi to ascend to power or the dwindling of the Angel race (since Zezzuva mentioned that being something they're involved in.)

This is not presently known, and may not be anything to do with the Dragons at all.  It seems to be the case that magic was stronger in earlier times, so it might simply be a continuation of that decline.  Alternatively, the Zezzuva letter suggested that it may be a consequence of stealing souls - the Angels being the race that invented those techniques.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Foxx Trotter

Quote from: FolksyFox on November 17, 2016, 04:32:46 AM
Also there shouldn't be a reason for her to be small; the clan was lost, not the leadership status. No wonder the Dragons, or at least those like Hizell, have issues with Cubi, because I think they're the only race that can ascend and get as large as them, if not larger. Other comments; What exactly are Dragons using to make it difficult for Cubi to ascend to power or the dwindling of the Angel race (since Zezzuva mentioned that being something they're involved in.)

The size of a creature shouldn't really matter.  It's magic and power the creature(s) posses(es) which is at issue.  Like magic, spirits also have a specific amount of power depending on what was gained during their existence.  Knowledge is also a source of power, but that is most likely a totally different factor compared to the other two traits.

There are at least three races on Furrae that can absorb a great amount of magic and power at one time without sacrificing their own lives...the Fae, the Cubi and the Dragons.  I'm sure there may be other races, such as Demons, Mythos and Angels, but it would not be as extensive as the first three races mentioned.  We already know the Fae are the most powerful creatures on Furrae, but they also have a balance structure in place regarding the amount of magic and power each one can posses along with a limit as to how many total Fae can actually exist in their race over a period of life.  It is similar to the Fey courts in Darc Sower's Code Name: Hunter

[spoiler]If you have read some of the recent pages in the webcomic, you know that Hunter (Max) killed the Winter Fey Gavin in a fight to the death while his RCSI party were trying to rescue Nyx at DeHarrod's in their world.  This put the Fey courts out of balance, which in turn, would have an effect on the Fey world itself.  We'll find out soon enough how that turns out.[/spoiler] 

I would suspect that both the Dragons and Cubi, among other races on Furrae, don't have a balance structure similar to the Fae.  That is why there is currently a power struggle going on between the two races.

If you look at DMFA Comic #1582, Fa'Lina had mentioned to Dan that there were at one time HUNDREDS of different Cubi clans.  Each had their own clan leader.  With that said, and the amount of magic and power apparently needed for a Cubi to become a clan leader, it would say that the Cubi race had the majority of resources on Furrae compared to other races with the exception of the Fae although it is uncertain as to how much magic and power the Dragons had at the time.  While we know that clan leaders are creatures of magic as Taun mentioned, it's still uncertain as to how much was actually needed for each Cubi who became a clan leader to ascend to that position.  I'm sure each event to do so was different.  Nonetheless, the Cubi was most likely seen as a major threat to other races due to the massive amount of magic and power possessed although the Cubi had no actual intention of wiping out anyone completely...only what was standard.  There can occasionally be one or two bad apples in a barrel, so the other races didn't want to take any chances.  That is when the struggle of magic and power on Furrae likely began.

I'd suspect that the primary incentive was to possibly bring the amount of magic and power in balance, similar to the Fae, but that would have been easier said than done depending on the race involved.  Any available resources of magic and power were made less accessible to the Cubi so that ascension to clan leader was more difficult.  It is currently unknown as to who was responsible, but probably the Dragons who were the closest in magic and power to the Cubi and had the ability to take control of the situation.  Soonafter, existing clan leaders began to decrease as they were a greater source of magic and power than standard Cubi.  While the cause has yet to be revealed, Hizell and his Dragon clan were likely responsible as they saw it as a way to become a superior race on Furrae by killing them and absorbing their resources.  At that time, they were not aware as to how a Cubi could ascend to clan leader which is why the more powerful were chosen.  It's obvious that not all Dragons agreed to his plan, as it was a directional shift instead of a balance, but they were not strong enough to stop the process.  Therefore, the Dragons against Hizell probably kept a low profile in order to avoid persecution and their own deaths.  I would expect that Hizell was not as bold as he is now in reference to killing Cubi, so as not to have his clan be discovered as the perpetrators.  Granted that Zezzuva was more self-centered than shrewd, it would be probable to say that her investigative techniques were not thorough.  This is only an assumption, as she may be more crafty than many would expect though in her favor.

Moving to Comic #1585, Fa'Lina stated that M'Chek was one of the higher-ups in the Dragon race.  He may have been one of Hizell's commanders within the clan.  The fact that M'Chek had a great amount of magic and power, it is possible he was one of the Dragons killing Cubi clan leaders along with stealing souls of residents at the city of Hishaan for which he was supposedly guarding.  When Cyra came along, M'Chek thought nothing of her being a threat as she was a standard Cubi.  As I previously mentioned, the Dragons were not aware at the time as to how a Cubi could ascend to clan leader as such an incident has never happened to their race before.  Therefore, the Dragons allowed the romantic relationship between M'Chek and Cyra to happen.  I would expect that Fa'Lina was the last Cubi to ascend to clan leader before Cyra although with no certainty.  Even though centuries had passed since her ascension, her knowledge and experience as a clan leader was still somewhat new to her.  I'd expect she would learn a great deal quickly as years passed and eventually the Dragon-Cubi War began.  Anyway, after Cyra killed M'Chek and ascended to a Cubi clan leader was when the Dragons finally knew their process.  Hizell and his clan would take no chances and destroy as many Cubi as they could so there were future threats.

It is known that the Dragons now have the greater magic and power over the Cubi on Furrae.  Whether there is a return shift or a balance has yet to be determined.  Of course, with the possible new threat of a secret weapon to kill magical creatures under the plans of Biggs and Destania, the tables may be turning in a new direction.  I suspect the death of Owona was just a trial in order make sure their weapon worked although it would not be strong enough to pierce a Dragon, hence the proposal by Biggs to Jyrras in making one that could.  Since we have not seen the actual blueprints, that is just theory.

Once again, my remarks are primarily perceptions and may not all be correct.  It is probable that I am on the right path though.  Only the Great Amber knows the true answers.  In due time, we shall know. :)


This is why Charline eats so many souls!  So she doesn't suffer a fatal case of pinatatitis when she ASCENDS UNTO GODHOOD!   >:3

She's kinda doing the Imperfect Cell thing, ya see.

Charline, "I drink people."   :kruger
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



Dude what is this, the freaking spoiler thread? I had not read that far yet in Code Name: Hunter. Ugh

Foxx Trotter

Quote from: Merlin on November 17, 2016, 07:11:18 PM
Dude what is this, the freaking spoiler thread? I had not read that far yet in Code Name: Hunter. Ugh

Sorry, I was only making a comparison.


Maybe I should be more aware that some readers are not as far into certain storylines as others.  Much of my perceptions were based on what Amber has already posted in the comic and other sections of her site along with the race structure regarding magic and power within Furrae, as well as who would want control of the resources, although it obviously changes over time.  It's similar to the Circle of Life, survival of the fittest. >:3


Quote from: Foxx Trotter on November 17, 2016, 07:51:25 PM

Maybe also throw a few spoiler tags into your post?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Foxx Trotter

Yeah, I just noticed the spoiler tag selection on this forum...originally thinking it was something else.  Similar forums I've been on do not provide such a selection.  It's probably due to the way the setups are done.  Simple Machines is a relative of phpBB (or vice versa), which is a version of forum I've been on before although never moderated or managed.  They have also been vulnerable in the past in regards to being hacked, such as the Santee virus which went around about ten years ago.  I'm sure whoever manages this forum keeps up with updates, but as a reminder, PLEASE DO.  I've forewarned a couple in the past, but they took it as nothing.  DOINK!  Days of fixing things back to where they were.

Once again...SO-REE.


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E



Quote from: Foxx Trotter on November 17, 2016, 08:38:44 PM
Once again...SO-REE.

wow, the last time i saw something that disingenuous, a politician was making an apology.

*fades back into shrubbery*

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..

Foxx Trotter

Sorry, Tapewolf.  I was getting ready to fix the post when someone here interrupted me and I had to do another task right quick.  Thanks for taking care of it.  I'll be sure to watch what I place on here and most likely refrain from comparing other references unless absolutely necessary.  If I do, I will be certain to mark it appropriately.


Going by Mink's report on Clan Leaders, Fa'Lina is the second youngest after Cyra herself, and there have been no ascensions since Cyra. It is possible that there were ascensions between them wherein said Clan Leaders were then taken out before the comic begins, but it seems unlikely.

It's mentioned that Clan Hrienth "almost" saw a new Clan Leader rise before the war happened, and are the strongest Leaderless clan, so it's likely their prime candidate was identified and taken out early on in the war.

But on the very next page we find out there are clans other than the known ones claiming to have true Clan Leaders! As well as various methods of ascension; judging by the method of Fa'Lina's ascension and the note in Seme's entry on the list that there have only been three peaceful transitions of power, Fa'Lina is likely one of them (or else grabbed her previous leader's power away from their killer, DUN DUN DUN). It is possible she overthrew her previous Leader but I feel like that's very unlikely for someone whose clan consisted of healers. Ah, it specifically states her previous Leader "passed on" her power, so it was either peaceful or a bid to avoid total destruction.
Got a deviantArt account? Go join DMFAclub!

I have too many Cubi. Feel free to take some off my hands. Please.

Janus Whitefurr

Quote from: Mao on November 16, 2016, 11:00:40 PM
Back!  Back to where you came from vile fiend!  Back into the depths of irc!  Take the box with you.

I'd make a Rita Repulsa quote but I think Amber has the patent on those.

This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.

Lying Foo

A dragon may have killed the last vampire, but Abel killed the first vampire.
Itsuwari, osore, kyoshoku, urei - samazama wa negative ni torawareru hodo yowaku wa nai, kodoku mo shiranu Trickster.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Foxx Trotter on November 17, 2016, 08:38:44 PM
Yeah, I just noticed the spoiler tag selection on this forum...originally thinking it was something else.  Similar forums I've been on do not provide such a selection.  It's probably due to the way the setups are done.  Simple Machines is a relative of phpBB (or vice versa), which is a version of forum I've been on before although never moderated or managed.  They have also been vulnerable in the past in regards to being hacked, such as the Santee virus which went around about ten years ago.  I'm sure whoever manages this forum keeps up with updates, but as a reminder, PLEASE DO.  I've forewarned a couple in the past, but they took it as nothing.  DOINK!  Days of fixing things back to where they were.

Once again...SO-REE.   

Oddly enough, the moderators here are on top of that. It's nice of you to bear it in mind, it's just a shame that it's in this terrible red font colour that we left enabled so that people could use it for highlighting specific words, not so they could make their entire posts difficult to read.

But, y'know, that's just my opinion. Hardly important at all, in the grand scheme of things.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Cassi-kun on November 16, 2016, 03:03:21 PM
Quote from: KaideGirault on November 16, 2016, 02:57:37 PM
The only thought that continues to pester me about clan leaders is this: If they're beings of pure energy, shouldn't they be able to take on a normal size and shape if they wanted to, as opposed to using their avatar puppets? Pure energy wouldn't be bound to any particular form (unless that's just a rule of Furrae, I suppose?).

Or is it a case of they can, but don't want to?
Clan leaders are "more magical than physical" but still have physical bodies. A Cubi can compress themselves via shapeshifting, but there is still a ratio of mass per volume that they can't go beyond. A compressed clan leader would still be very large.
I know its a late reply but I think I got the PERFECT solution!

Convert all that extra mass they cant compress to hair. and walk around with Rapunzel hair. GENIUS! 


Quote from: KathYohneke on December 02, 2016, 03:18:52 AM
Quote from: Cassi-kun on November 16, 2016, 03:03:21 PM
Quote from: KaideGirault on November 16, 2016, 02:57:37 PM
The only thought that continues to pester me about clan leaders is this: If they're beings of pure energy, shouldn't they be able to take on a normal size and shape if they wanted to, as opposed to using their avatar puppets? Pure energy wouldn't be bound to any particular form (unless that's just a rule of Furrae, I suppose?).

Or is it a case of they can, but don't want to?
Clan leaders are "more magical than physical" but still have physical bodies. A Cubi can compress themselves via shapeshifting, but there is still a ratio of mass per volume that they can't go beyond. A compressed clan leader would still be very large.
I know its a late reply but I think I got the PERFECT solution!

Convert all that extra mass they cant compress to hair. and walk around with Rapunzel hair. GENIUS!
It's too brilliant to fail!
Got a deviantArt account? Go join DMFAclub!

I have too many Cubi. Feel free to take some off my hands. Please.


Quote from: Cassi-kun on December 02, 2016, 09:37:44 AM
Quote from: KathYohneke on December 02, 2016, 03:18:52 AM
Quote from: Cassi-kun on November 16, 2016, 03:03:21 PM
Quote from: KaideGirault on November 16, 2016, 02:57:37 PM
The only thought that continues to pester me about clan leaders is this: If they're beings of pure energy, shouldn't they be able to take on a normal size and shape if they wanted to, as opposed to using their avatar puppets? Pure energy wouldn't be bound to any particular form (unless that's just a rule of Furrae, I suppose?).

Or is it a case of they can, but don't want to?
Clan leaders are "more magical than physical" but still have physical bodies. A Cubi can compress themselves via shapeshifting, but there is still a ratio of mass per volume that they can't go beyond. A compressed clan leader would still be very large.
I know its a late reply but I think I got the PERFECT solution!

Convert all that extra mass they cant compress to hair. and walk around with Rapunzel hair. GENIUS!
It's too brilliant to fail!

Unless their hair catches fire and becomes something like a dynamite fuse!

But this actually makes sense if you think about it.  Clan leaders are pretty much demigods like Hercules (since they can die), and since they were mortal to begin with, they have to transcend from the mortal plane to a more spiritual or energy plane of existence. 

It probably takes a lot of concentration and willpower to keep from dying during the Ascension process where one nanosecond of a slip of concentration can end it all right there.  I assume that this Ascension process is so painful as you're filling up with astronomical amounts of raw godlike energy while at the same time, trying to shed one's mortal shell in order to reach that higher plane of existence, every bit of concentration and focus is needed like it was matter of life or death because basically it is. 


Really late to be coming to this, I know, but I just had a thought:

Taun's use of the word "piñata" is an interesting choice, especially given the party-related interest Taun's clan has in them. Especially, since what generally comes out of a bursting piñata is candy...