2016/03/09 [DHS 6] Tricky business

Started by Puyon, March 08, 2016, 12:52:55 PM

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Ah, I wanted to explain here, about Krova (orange hair, half feathry), is a selective mute! She's rarely comfortable talking in front of people, even if it's family. Usually she only talks if she is sure only one person at a time can hear her, and it's a habit she's had ever since she was a child. She can express herself nonverbally via signing though. As opposed to how Drake (and probably Shauni?) are shown using BSL, Krova uses ASL. Here, the sign she's using is just 'stupid'.

Merlin and I may have decided that ASL is also a sign dialect used and taught by tricksters... after all, most people don't really know sign and probably wouldn't know the difference between a local sign dialect and the trickster one. Makes it pretty handy for private conversations or talking about illegal trickster things and it's more subtle than an illusion ring... most tricksters who use sign probably also know what ever the local dialect for sign is so most people can understand them when they need to be understood. This isn't vital information but I thought it would be a neat detail.
...By Puyon


I really love seeing how different people do sign language in comics. I mean, speech is easy, you just have em flapping their mouths. Signs is a bit harder, especially when mixed with speech.