Brotherhood of the Machine (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Ryudo Lee, June 08, 2007, 09:33:20 AM

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lucas marcone

Josh bolted up the stairs pushing people out of his way. damn fire escape policy! shouldnt there be a fire escape or something!? He rounded the corner on the second floor. "These people are slowing me down but im pretty sure i can get to them fast enough to tail them if they try to ru-- OOF!" Josh caught an elbow to the stomac and landed on his tail three steps back on the second floor. "Ok now these people are just playin dirty." He said as he bagan his next charge.

Prof B Hunnydew

 Being close to any of the Brotherhood's Zealots, makes Sally physically ill, but this is first time she was ever held by one. The ill feelings, which she was reading off this guy, was almost enough to make her faint.     

Still, as Sally and Zealot watch  the evil Doc grab Chad and run for the exit, she knows she can't hesitate.  She pulls a paw free and slip it in under his hemlet.  Just a touch his skin or cloth, Her power rushes to heal the zealot of his nerves around hius Bio-interfaces and repair is his spiral cord.  The zealot lights up like a Christmas tree as cyber arms, legs and other part control are fried from the firing of neurons along his bio-interfaces.  Zealot's cyber parts shutdown and he falls to ground.

Sally is barely stand up after her burst of power, and falls to her knees as she sees down the hallway Dr Collins dragging Chad still.  Dr Collins looks back with a snarl as he goes down the fire stairwell


lucas marcone

Josh runs up the stairs to the third floor. Sally comes into view. "Doc! you ok?!"


   Jexx was on a rooftop of a building adjacent to to hospital Sally was in, and Jexx was getting very impatient. "Will someone please tell me what's going on in there?!?"

lucas marcone

In his Comm Josh saif hastily. "Calm down no one does right now and brash actions won't help the confusion. I'm going to talk to sally and find out."

Prof B Hunnydew

Josh finds the Doctor lying on the floor, she looks thinner with her clothes looser or maybe she found better fitting ones here. 

"No No not Chad  I got get..*OHopha*...Josh Where is that bulldog Doctor? Did You see him.? He has got Chad..Call the others  Call Gerald to look for the Buldog.. He is in with the civilains for the fire drill.  You saw him on the comlink.  Oh goddess,  my comlink is over there somewhere. Josh, you need to go get it, the brotherhood must not get it.  You comlink will tell you where it is..Get it before a zealot squad gets here." regently pleads Sally. and then her head falls back to the floor.   She is still awake, breathing heavily.  Still, she looks like she is not going anywhere under she own power. 

The Zealot on the ground by the Doc, is out but more blinking lights on his battlesuit are coming on.

Ryudo Lee

At the tower...
Somewhere inside the tower, a zealot sits in front of several monitors.  He picks up a radio and starts talking into it.
"Recon team, head to station PC-03 and check out the situation.  Report any anomalies." He said.
A garbled "roger" came back over the radio.  A red light flashed on the screen.  He tapped away at a keyboard.
"Sir.  Fire alarm detected at the hospital.  Orders?" He said.
An enforcer stepped up behind him.
"The Northon FD will handle it, but send a squad there to check it out, just to be on the safe side.  A lot of wierd things have been happening lately.  I want to know who is causing all this trouble." The enforcer said in his monotone voice.
"Yessir." The zealot said, and then got on the radio to relay the orders.

The main doors open and a two squads of zealots exit, one heading to the shed, and the other heading to the hospital.

At the hospital...
Arcs of electricity began to jump from parts of the zealot's armor to other areas of his body.  The zealot suddenly started twitching, and then suddenly arched his back and let out a painful scream.  The smell of burning flesh began to emanate from his body as he writhed in obvious agony.  After a few moments, he stopped moving, but he was still breathing.  After a brief silence, he picked himself up, and stumbled away, having forgotten about Sally for the moment.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Morgan shook his head, "No splitting up, this isn't a bloody mother's meeting.  What will you do Dorcan if you run into zealots?  Stun them, so they can wake up in a few minutes and attack us from behind?  No, you watch this back door.  Jexx, since you are up on that building... why not watch the approaches to and from the tower.  If they decide to take Sally to the tower, you can spot them from up there and if a team is dispatched to this location, you should see them approach.  Use whatever judgment you possess to determine if you need to engage them or order a pullout."   

Josh, situation report please.  We are at the back entrance to the hospital.  There is a small window of opportunity until someone arrives due to the fire alarm.  I'm heading up to the location of where I still register Sally's comm signal.  Let me know if I need to divert to converge on an enemy.

Morgan entered the rear entrance and immediately noticed a security guard, slipping behind him, he made a quick strike to the fellow's neck and rendered him unconscious.  He relieved the guard of his side arm, which was expertly maintained, but obviously never used, even in practice.  He also took the stun gun.

Morgan spied a coat rack and noticed a white lab coat.  Quickly he slipped it off the notch and donned it, grabbing a clip board off a desk.  The pocket held a pair of glasses, which he also donned.  He was forced to adjust his vision slightly.  Morgan ascended the stairs, heading for level three.  Between the third and second levels, a pair of doctors descended, one, a bulldog, dragging the other behind him.  Morgan made an effort to try and not be noticed, trying to obscure his face with the clipboard.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


   Jexx was quite surpised when he heard Morgan's communication to him. He explained why; "That's weird, I was thinking almost exactly the same thing. Guess we finally agreed on something, hah?"
   Jexx look toward the Tower then to the hospital. There was a street leading to the hospital that was closley parallel to the Tower. The Brotherhood men would have no reason to not take the direct rout. Jexx quickly hopped several buildings, settling into a crouched and hidden sentry psition on a buildig on the street the Brotherhood would be coming down.
   Jexx stayed low and waited...


"In effect we have already split up," Dorcan pointed out, entering the back door to avoid looking suspicious from the street.
"Also, the ruckus inside is liable to bring Zealots to us anyway if they have this town locked down as tight as we think they have.  You're the boss, though..." he added.

Plan for the worst, he thought.  That way you'll never be disappointed.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

lucas marcone

"Gerald! A mean looking bull dog is headed your way with a doctor in tow. Make sure he does NOT leave here with him! Things arn't good up here Morgan. A zealot was stunned by Sally he's dazed but im not sure for how long. I'm going to get Sally out of here if you get here fast enough the zealot needs delt with and Sally's comm unit needs found before they get a hold of it." Josh grunted as he picked up Sally. "Maybe I shouldn't have cut out on gym class. Morgan can i get an ETA?"


   Jexx listend to Josh's comm. It seems things were indeed bad, but not as bad as Jexx was prepared for. Then Jexx caught a glimpse of several red robes down the road.
   "Oh shit!" Jexx cursed under his breath. "Things might be about to get worse. I got Brotherhood goons incoming down the main road. Our 'midnight' escapade didn't go unnoticed."
   Jexx kept low and counted them in a whisper. "Two, three, four...six. I count six zealots*.
   As the group walked, they split up, three zealots* heading off in the direction of the shed, the other three* keeping toward the hospital.
   "Morgan, three of them* headed off for the shed, the others are still going for the hospital. As you heard, Josh is to busy extracting Sally to deal with them if they get there, and Gerald is apparently about to have his hands full too. If you're already there, you can probably pick them off easy, but I'm asking for your-" Jexx's voice caught in his throat, the next word he was going to say was not one he'd used before. " deal with them personally."

*(OOC: Ryudo, you said three zealots to a squad OOC and IC two were deployed, one going for the shed and the other going for the hospital. The * are marks for edits taking into account enforcers and direction, if any, pending your note OOC.)

lucas marcone

"Jexx wich entrence should I leave through then? I don't want to get Sally caught in an accidential battle."


"Josh, I'm on the rear exit," Dorcan piped up.  He was listening in on all the open channels he could, trying to establish where everyone was and what was happening.
"Everything's quiet here so far.  As for Sally's comms unit, I believe Morgan has deactivated it remotely.  It might be an idea to retrieve it if you get the chance, but I don't think it will give much away if it does fall into the wrong hands."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Prof B Hunnydew

After a few tries to get to her feet, Sally falls back unconscious.


Exo grumbles something foul sounding as it shakes off it's screensaver. "Permission granted, but do not fire unless you have a clear shot. Focus on the ones heading towards the Hospital first, do not let them see you. Keep the kills as clean as possible, the last thing we need is a fiasco over damaged property."

[We're all doomed.] it pondered for a moment, then got back to the comms. "Confirm on remote deactivation - Communication channel status states that the Doctor's communications unit has had it's access revoked. Unit will attempt to recontact control and update. Do not lead the Brotherhood back to basecamp. Terminating communications."

It flicks back to the secure channel and opens up again.

"Field Unit Echo Four Nineteen to Control, Code Beta Priority Alert, Location: Northon. Respond ASAP."


Everybody settle down.  I am heading up the main stairs, almost to your location now... I think I just passed that doctor.  I'll deal with them before they exit, that way this Gerald person does not have to be seen by everyone outside assaulting one of the staff.  We need a vehicle brought around back, I hope you guys came here in something, otherwise, Gerald, steal us a ride please.  Josh, you are going to have to carry Sally if she is not capable of moving on her own.  Grab her, her comm and start heading down the stairs.  Those zealots will approach from the front door, we will leave by the back and head the opposite way.  Jexx, there is no need to engage those zealots at this time, standby and observe, but as Exo has said... if necessary, keep it clean.  Dorcan, keep the rear entrance clear.

Morgan produced the stun gun from the security guard downstairs, he maxed out the settings and shot the bulldog in the back.  Despite the settings the Dr. Collins casts off Chad and turns to face his attacker, just in time to receive a knockout blow to his neck.

"How did this bloke shrug this stunner off?  Alright lad, time to go... oops, he caught some stun.  Oh well, it's better this way."  Morgan switched to the comms, hustle up lads.

Hefting Chad, he waited to rendevou with Josh and Sally.  A realization came to him as he stared full on at a security camera.  "Blast it all."

Morgan kneeled down and sent out a signal wirelessly, but the effort only made him dizzy, cursing into the comm channel Morgan queried the group, Flaming, bloody hell... can someone hack the security in this hospital and blank the security logs, I'm having trouble at the moment... low resources after a full day of field operations.  Beyond that was more then they needed to know.

Morgan waited for Josh.

OOC: The doctors` names were used for clarity, but Morgan does not know them.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Ryudo Lee

At the van...
The radio comes to life.
"This is control four nineteen.  Channel secure.  Go ahead." The voice from the radio announced.

At the hopital...
The camera did indeed catch sight of the bulldog getting hit with the stun gun, and there was a monitor at the security station displaying it.  But with all the confusion from the fire drill, the station was unmanned at the moment.

The stunned zealot steadied himself against the wall, and spoke into his radio.
"Control... ugh... hospital.  Magic user alert.  Need backup." He said, and the collapsed.

Outside of the hospital, the zealot squad was making it's way to the crowd gathering outside the hospital.  They located the administrator.  The administrator was a stuffy looking grey mouse.
"What's going on here?" One of the zealots asked.
"Just a fire drill sir." The administrator replied. "Security is currently checking out whether or not it's a real fire or not."
At that moment, the Northon FD showed up in their large red trucks, sirens wailing and horns blasting.  People moved like parting waves to let the truck pass.  Firefighters poured out of the trucks and started advancing to the hospital.  And not a moment sooner, several Northon PD units arrived, and police officers came out for crowd control.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

lucas marcone

"Dang I was hopeing I wouldn't have to be the one to go searcing for the frackin thing! Easy does it." Josh sat sally down and propped her up useing one of the beds as he looked for her comm unit. after he found it he shoved it into one of the good doctor's pockets and picked her back up. "Comeing morgan...infact i can see you! hullo!" Josh did a little wave with his free hand. "Sorry I couldn't help myself." Josh said not useing the comm. "Shall we get our wanted asses out of here then?"


Morgan heard the arrival of fire and police units, Frig, looks like we will be needing a real fire now...

He waved to Josh, "One second mate."

Swallowing hard, Morgan reached up and grabbed the camera and jammed a paperclip into a light socket.  Using his electrokinesis, he channeled it into the dataline and worked feverishly to force it into the front reception output.  He was quite able to do so.  The PCs overloaded, the LCDs melted and all caught on fire.  The fire rapidly spread to the papers and wooden furniture, the fire department was greeted by smoke and electrical fire.  The surge down the line had the benefit of blowing the security cameras.

Morgan slumped against the wall and sat for a second, he paused until he stopped shaking from the electrical surge, he spoke into the comm, I apologize for that, but I needed a diversion, I take full responsibility obviously.  Quickly now, we need to move.

"Okay, let's go."

He stood after the electrical rush and vertigo passed and scooped up Chad, and grabbed Dr. Collins by the collar of his shirt and lab coat and headed out, hopefully with Josh in tow.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


   Jexx was steadily cursing under his breath over and over nonstop at the rapidly deteriorating situation. Jexx didn't get the chance to fill his need for the deaths of some Brotherhood bastards, and the officials had showed up, already beginning to enter the hospital.
   "Guys, the officials are here, and are in the building. You are out of time. Get. Out. NOW!"


The sprinkler system came on.  Dorcan didn't mind this as he was IP-68 compliant.  Even the access port in his skull was an optical link rather than an electrical one.

"I dunno what you just did," he said, "but they might wonder why that didn't happen when the alarm went off in the first place."

Jexx' voice rang in his ears.  "Jexx, which entrance are they using?"  He asked urgently.
He still had the stunner in his hand, set to maximum as before.  It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   "The front, you idiot! The front!"
   Jexx didn't really mean the remark, but one couldn't blame him, he had never been in a situation even remotely like the current one before, so nervous and uptight that he wanted to rip his own hair out that moment. Here he had, for the first time in his life, people that he had vested interest in, even cared about, inside a building with non-allies already inside, and Jexx was powerless to do anything about it without blowing the whole thing. He felt helpless.

lucas marcone

As Josh huffed and puffed under sally to get her safely down the stairs he couldn't help but remark quietly to Morgan. "Almost makes ya wish the elevateor worked during fires huh?" then his vision drifted to a body bag. "Hay Morgan? You ever go down the stairs in a sleeping bag as a kid?"


The sprinkler system only made the fire get worse as water conducts electricity.  The fire system of the hospital was not equipped to handle electrical fires because all power lines are properly installed, shielded and maintained with multiple redundancies.  This kind of fire should not occur under normal situations.

Morgan was struggling under the weight of two people, he was dizzy and working off of reserve strength.  He had not eaten in 12 hours and had taxed his powers to the limits, he shook his head which made him falter slightly.

"No mate, my childhood was... not much fun."  Morgan thought back and remembered those days, filled with training, discipline and duty.  A tool of the military since birth, he had no pleasurable memories.  "Now is not the time though, just a little further."

They reached the bottom floor only to find the front area a raging electrical fire, being spread by the water.  He could see a zealot talking to one of the firemen through those flames.

"Cripes, I did not want this to happen.  Out the back Josh, come on Dorcan... grab that security guard I knocked out."  Morgan burst out the back and dropped Dr. Collins a good distance away from the building.  He kept carrying Chad however.

Let's get out of here people.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"Very well," said Dorcan, dutifully picking up his charge, yet somehow managing to keep pace with Morgan effortlessly.
"What do you propose we do with him?  Are we just dumping him in an alleyway somewhere, or taking him captive?  I'm not sure we ever got a subject to test destroying the chip on."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


"Well, I suppose this guy I have will work.  I heard over the channel that the other guy, the bulldog, was not to be allowed to take this guy out of the building.  I figured I'd take him with us.  Keep the guard too.  I hope we have a vehicle, because I'm getting kind of tired of all this running.

Morgan was tired, but he would keep going if necessary until he collapsed if he had too.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

lucas marcone

"Over here!" Josh said loading Sally into the van "Get some rest we'll have you back at camp soon." He said to Sally. "Morgan i suggest you drive. I don't have any experence with cars, and I don't want to be the one to bring the brotherhood to our front door."


   Jexx continued to watch the activity outside of the hospital. The others got out to the van just in the nick of time before the firefighters started blasting the inside of the hospital with chemical extinguishers. The relativly small blaze started to die down, but before it was gone completely, the three zealots moved in.
   "Guys, get going. I'll follow behind you and watch your back, keeping the Brotherhood bastards from following you."
   Jexx started running low on the roof, hopping to the next one quickly, and going until he caught sight of their van.

(OOC: Is Gerald already in the van? If so, then Morgan is abut to see him for the first time. Just thought I'd bring that up.)


Morgan shrugged and nodded... he put Chad down and took the driver's seat.  He gave time for everyone else to pile in and gave Gerald a double take, but said nothing as everyone else was seemingly okay with his presence.

"Okay drive casual... but don't look like I'm driving casual."

Hopefully without drawing too much attention he pulled away from the hospital and headed down a side street and immediately turned a corner to be out of view of the lower floor of the building.

"Can someone access their security logs before they cut power and make sure to erase the last day, just to be sure.  The fire might scrap it all, but it might not."

He continued on, mindful of anyone following, his route took him the opposite direction from base camp and he took a scenic route several miles long... enough to notice a tail (besides the ones on the furry types).

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"