E's little corner(BEWARE) MA Trashed (the betraying heart)

Started by e_voyager, September 21, 2006, 11:00:02 PM

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Welcome all who come this way. and though I seriously doubt that this thread will get a lot of traffic but I felt it would be comfortable for me to put some of my pieces here.  If you chose to come here expect anything and everything. This means forms rabbits with poison blood eating hearts as the are posses but Ancient powers to little kiddy poems. About cartoons do consider yourself warned again. And if you're still here after all this well enjoy.

an on the spot hiku form the hiku thread

soulless little moth
the demon flame lures you here
now you burn, how sad

I loved the tench myuo shows myself.

Her name is Waishu
She is a scientist too
Science to magic

A open doorway
an endless road before me
it is time to go
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


The trail  a test of the digital soul.

I felt the tug and was off traveling the voyager web way. What is the web way? There really is no reason to tell you but, since you probably never see it let alone reach it, I will anyway. The web way connects words the way roads connect cities or towns just with less traffic. What is it made of I can't really say. As far as I'm concerned it's just there. The reason that you probably never reach it is because it requires a certain kind of special of power.

   You can be was strong as the Z fighters and never see it. You can have the ability to walk on walls, talk to the dead or even become a Norse thunder god and still not see more then a 1/91E of it (a very small fraction believe you me). If you do however find your way to what I call there voyager or traveler web way then I hope to see you there. It has been five years since I discovered my own power. Four years since I learned how to use them for neat things like travel to other worlds. Three years since I discovered the others. Two years since I started to meddle in the lives of others. And one year since I discovered her. It is to her that I go now. 

   "I love you too."  the yellow fox digimon cried as the young human went limp and apparently lifeless in her arms. "This is not right" I heard a voice say and though I did not realize at the time that it was my own. "This is true. And just what will you do about it?" that voice. It could only be  him. I spun around feeling my anger resonate from his shadowed corner "And just what do you want?" I said trying to control myself. "you tell me..." He said with a dark smile "after all you're the one who called me here." I stared at him angry and ashamed of the anger.

   He wasn't lying. He could not lie to me like he could to others. "now you know I don't lie" he sounded a little miffed. "Don't you though?" I asked. "I'm deceitful as hell but I've never lied to you straight out." "you're stalling" I said it simply and surprising without rancor. He neither agreed nor disagreed with me. "is the some thing we can do to help them?" again he gave a neutral response. Suddenly with out prompting he pointed behind me and I saw The clock. this was no ordinary clock the was the clock that counted down the seconds left for a critical choice. "yes" I said and I watched as the clock reset itself and the Renamon suddenly came to life and looked at me and her out surroundings blacked. "who are you" "that doesn't matter right now..." I said looking at the clock. "... what matters is that you want to save that young man" "Takato? But isn't he..." she couldn't finish the sentence but I smiled and said "No. not yet at least."

   In a flash I was suspended by my collar while eyes filled with pain and anger stared into mine, "What do I have to do to save him?" The emotion in her plea was truly heart wrenching and made me wish I could give her a  straight answer. "I don't know. But I do know that there is a price to be paid even if we succeed." "I don't care so long as we can be together again." "But to do that you'll be risking your very soul. Are you sure that this is what you wish?" "Yes" "Then get ready to go."  I looked at her willing to risk it all for this human. "one more thing." "if we fail not only will you have to live out you life remembering that you failed to save your loved one, but when it's time for you to die you will not be reborn" "I can except that." She said bravely. "you will also not have the peace of the grave when you die" "What do you mean?" "well when you die in the last instant of your life all that is you will be pulled from your dieing body and taken to serve who ever wins your soul." "You mean like going to hell?" "maybe but I doubt if it will be that nice." Renamon shuddered "what do you mean" "at least in hell you know why your suffering if  you lose you soul then you may suffer for now reason other then that you boss wants you to" "my boss?" "yes. When you risk your soul someone here takes possession of it and you are not allowed to die."   "but how can that be?" "We are a very old and powerful race. It is a simple manner to grab a person or digimon the instant before death sets in and leave an empty shell in their place." "what!" we've done it before. I've done it myself." how can you play with peoples lives like that?" "It's not easy. Believe you me." "why should I?" "because it's true."

    She just looked at me.  I sighed "The only reason I can even talk to you is because I marked you as special interest." "Have you been spying on me?" there was an angry edge in her voice when she asked. "this is no need for that. By marking you I created a link that calls me when you are about to need help I can provide." "what do you mean?" "It's like a panic button. If you push it then I come." "Then why didn't you get here sooner? Why didn't you save Takato ?" "Because I couldn't okay! I just couldn't"
"why?" she asked me. Her voice was angry but her heart was crying. "if you're so powerful why couldn't you save the one I love?" I felt tears coming to my eyes but I blinked them back. She was blocking. She always tried to be angry rather then hurt or sad. "Takato's soul has  some sort of hold on it. A lieu if you will." "What?" "Takato put his soul at risk. I don't know how or  for what reason but it was his own doing" "Takato wouldn't do that." "Are you sure?" "of course I am" "but you're putting your soul at risk why wouldn't Takato?" Renamon snarled at me and I acquiesced "In that case he may have been tricked. Which is good for us" "what do you mean" "if he was tricked the we have a better chance to get him back.." Renamon's fur stood on end and for the first time since she grabbed me she looked around.

"Where are we?" "Renamon" I said making  a grandiose sweeping motion with my left had "welcome to the underworld."

i've finished part one of the trial ad i'm currently working on part to. enjoy
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


(this is what i have for part two sofal tlee me what you think)
Part 2

"The underworld?" she asked her eye's narrow. "you mean hell?" "no not quite." I responded. It was true enough this underworld was not hell though many of the denizens looked like demons. Case in point Rahajynn who had and especially sour look on his face today.
"hello Rahenjynn. Nice to see you again" he snorts seeming more like the fire snorting winged boar he resembled then the human I'd met months ago. "three years and you still mess up my name." "years? I only met you this pass march" "cripes you're still that unstable? If I had half the power the elders say you have then I wouldn't be bouncing around the time space continuum every times I step onto the roadway" "aw come on I'm not that bad." "oh really? When I saw you in passing last week I thon you'd finally given up the born human stay human thing. But now I see that that you was time lost as well." "I didn't see you last week" "my point exactly" Rahajynn's eye's wondered past me and settled on Renamon.
"she's a cute one but some thing tells me that I won't be hearing webbing bells in the near future." "you never know" I said with a smile "something tells me if we succeed in our quest there will be a wedding as soon as the groom is back on his feet." Pain streaked up my spine as she accidentally pricked me with her claws while grabbing my shoulder. She was smiling. "Come on now we have work to do you know" "yes ma'am. Right away"
Rahajynn laugh and he passed us. The he stopped for a moment "sys this isn't that time you go crazy and build yourself a world declaring yourself a god is it?" "No thankfully. that's in the past and I would like to leave it there." "it's just as well." he said with a sigh "I heard about what happened and it wasn't pretty."  "no it wasn't but I learned well form my mistakes. Besides who would want to be looked at as a god? It's too much pressure"  "and that is the smartest think I've heard you say in a long time." With that Rahajynn  turned vanished is a swirl of wind and smoke. "does everyone here do that?" " no Rahajynn likes to be a little flashy." So now that where here how do we save Takato?" " first we see the clerk and file a complaint. this will extend the time we have to fix this" "clerk? Wait what exactly is going here?" "as you know I'm not alone. And we as a people have power but power let unchecked corrupts the holder. It is because of this that places like this exist." As he speaks he walks and Renamon follow's. Before long they come to a desk occupied by a gnomish looking entity wearing glasses and snoring.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


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i should have the rest of part two done around friday. writres block rarlys stops me but some times it does derile me inot a diffent story. untils thiner he'rs a blast vome my past

click for full image.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Renamon looked puzzled. Was this the clerk?. As she watched her benefactor appeared to read a name plaque in some alien language and snickered. "What's so funny?" he pointed to the Plaque. Still she could not understand what it said. She sighed. "well if this is the clerk can you wake his so that we can get on with this."  He shrugs obviously not understating why she didn't get the joke. Then he sighs and when to the water cooler and grabs a cup and fills it with some water. He looks around the room at the books near by. He nods then starts to star at the water in his hand. He concentrates and mumbles and the water starts to glows and he does. Then with a smile he unceremoniously dumps the water on the guys head.
"what did you do that!" Renamon practically screams at the top of you lungs. Her guide points at the signs as the gnomish old man yawns and stretches. He looks abruptly younger. The gnomish man sighs. "What is it this time voyager?" "I'm here to try to reclaim a lieu again a soul. Can you help us file a complaint?" "when is the lieu due?"  "upon the death of one Takato musda I believe his name is." The man checks his records. "well at least you got the first name right his time." He sighs." That young boy is meant to be dead right now but is seems you froze time for that universe. How could you do that?" "I didn't I just used a local time freeze an froze the planet" "no you didn't" The man points to his records and her guide looks and goes pale. "but! but that's not possible! I was limited like always. there is no way I could have done all that." The gnomish man shakes his head and points "Look at the records. You did it and what's more your limiters were still on when you did it." "Does this mean...?" her guide stopped as if frighten "no. this is reading as an accident and all but tread carefully. You remember what happened before?" "before it's not over he's still serving his time" "the old mean checks his recodes again. It seems you're right." What was this incident? renamon wondered. "Here " said the old man handing her guide a stack of papers. "fill these out turn then en then go see the scribe. Her guide groaned. "Him?"  what him? Just do it. You've caused enough trouble already. "as her guide took the papers Renamon had to ask. "what does that name play say?" : it says if you can read this then I'm too old to help you "replied the gnomish man with a smile. Renamon looked at him the stared to laugh, he still looked the better portion of a century's worth of age but still. Then she started to chuckle her self. "So he made you younger?" "only what to get my help. If you can't do that then you're lost. Not good night I'm talking a nap. With that the gnomish man closed his eyes and stared to sleep aging before her eyes.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


sorry all i hit a writes block wiht this story so i'll stan iwht anos ont i'm working on for the DAD Site. it is part of a larger story and that story is called trackes and it is unfainses as i and still trying to write a end to it i'll start posing it tommow.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Susan was weary as she climbed into the bed with her tamer. He was already asleep but that was becoming more and more normal. She rubbed her palm over his face caressing it gently as a lover might. She was staring to worry about him... well not starting to she'd been worried about him. She corrected herself.  Over the past couple of weeks she watched as he'd come in and practically pass out. Between school, his job and the constant battles he just didn't seem to have enough energy to live his life any more.  She sighed. It should not be this way. He should not have to do everything on his own like this but then he was, as humans considered ages, grown. He had been working to support them both and keep their house almost since she they meet. She had been wounded badly in that battle then when she won he had taken her to his home not that it was anything like their current place. 

Floramon sighed thinking to a time when he was not so tired and he had not been working himself slowly to death. In her mind life was simpler back then:
Back then home had consisted of an abandoned building near a park. The park had several fruit trees and 3 working water fountains. As she woke she recalled seeing a look of relief on his face. She was looking out a window while laying on a beat up mattress. A moist compress covered her forehead and the light from he setting sun was still warm on her body. He smiled and said "I'm glad you made it" that was it. He did not even know her name or why she'd fought what seemed like a losing battle but he nursed her back to health. On top of that he seemed happy that she was alive. Over the next few days as she regained her strength she noticed something about this person that had taken her in. While food and water were not a problem for them it seemed that heating and toilet faculty however were in disrepair.

Despite this he seemed happy though. She healed fairly quickly and thanks to him had always had food and water available. He kept her in the one room though with the bath room down that hall. It was not that she was a prisoner. He told her that if she wanted that he would let her leave. Even so she could tell before he spoke again that he wanted her to stay for at least a little while. She smiled at him and agreed to stay at least until she was fully well. Time passed and he seemed to pick up her language which he called Japanese with no difficultly as she herself learned to read English. Three weeks later he stopped outside of what he had designated her room. Having long since recovered he had give her the run of the place with a few warring like the missing floor two rooms down. He told her that it was time to change. He said that he would stop drifting and take a direction in his life. He smiled at her and told her that if she wanted she could come as well. Overjoyed she agreed.

Floramon sighs as the memory fades and she drifts off to sleep her head on his chest listing to his strong and steady heart beat.

She sighed as she watched him leave for classes. He would not be back until later tonight maybe 10 pm if he got off early but he was more likely to be out until 11.  This was too much for some on his age.  He'd turned 18 almost a month ago and he had not had a partied or gone out since. Not that he was real big on dating in the first place she reminded herself.  Well there was house work to do and her garden would help cheer her up. She smiled as she remember him ripping up the ground with old human tool the crushing the clumps of soil and mixing them with some kind of moist fertilizer. She had tried it when he wasn't busy and found that while it was okay it was not to her taste. She sighed again. It would be another long and lonely day with him at work. Then she smiled again she may be lonely now but soon. Soon he would be home again. He's have home work true but he was always willing to talk with her and he actually listened her. She looks at the time. It was already past noon and it was time to get something to eat. She sniffed her garden on last time before heading into the house. There were dishes to wash laundry to do and many more things that need her attention.

She jumps up hugging Eric as he walked in the door.  He kissed her thanking her for the warm welcome. They sit and have dinner talking into the early morning. She is grateful for the weekend as it during this time that she and Eric spend the most time together. "lets go to bed" he said at last. It was pasting 4 am at the time but she nodded. Tomorrow they would spend the day together and he would be all hers, at least for a little while.
She rolled over and lay her head on his chest listening to his heart beat both healthy and strong. His hand light ruffled her head petals and slid down to her back. "Good night Susan" he whispered to her. He had been working like a Locomon for the past two months and to make it worse he's even passed out during his own birthday party three weeks ago when he tuned 18.  She sighed and she rubbed his head ruffling his hair.  Then she lays next to him enjoy his warm body next to hers.

As she lay in be next to him she began to pine away in her mind. 'If only she could find a digimon like him' then she corrected herself again mentally.  'Aw heck why look for a mon when she had him?' 'Why?' she asked again is a biting mental tone. 'Well for starters because he wouldn't want her. Not as a lover anyway. 'Oh sure as a partner, that was fine but she had to be honest with herself. She wasn't gorgeous like angiewomon or pretty like Lillymon." "Here she was moths after they meet and who knows how many battles later and she had not even found her champion form yet' 'she was a joke. she'd be with her tamer for half a year now.'

She smiled wistfully. 'If her tamer could read her thought's he'd be shocked.' Last time she mentioned her evolution to him he'd told her to give them both some time after all there were both still alive which means that things could not be all that bad.'  She had started to disagree but then attack begun.  They fought hard and had a few close calls but through it all he was with her and they mange to hold off the evil digimon long enough for backup to arrive. They had delete one or two of the evil digimon but she still felt bad about they fact that they had need to be rescued. He seemed to sense this and tried to cheer her up. She had not wanted to be happy but the fact that he cared enough to try to cheer her up did more for her mood then his silly goofing around.

Still it was getting late and she rolled over to face him. There he was love of her life and her tamer all in one.  She sighed his scent filling her nostrils as she inhaled. As she rolled over laying her head on his chest to let his heart beat lull her to sleep when quite by accident her hand brushed something. She blinked and felt around to find it again and then she looked and what she was cupping. She gasped as she looked at her hand. But still, she leaned in closed and sniffed the strong scent of her tamer. No she thought as she pulled away. That night her dreams were fitful and lust filled.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


this story is about to get more graphics and i would like some feed back both in ratings and in from. i need to know what i'm doing right almost as much as i need to know what i'm doing wrong.. next chapter soon as i'm making a revision. the revice is done and the some lyras are from trash . bew warend there is stronge langue and sexual content. i'll edit out the html later but enjoy

*Three weeks pass and during that time Eric and Susan had meet ups with several digi-destined while trying to save the world. They had helped out despite being the lower level team there. The exchanged some screen names and they had made friends as well. *

She looked at her tamer. The more time they spent together the more she wanted him yet she could not find the courage to tell him. She sighed as she watched him shower thought a hole in the attic floor. It was barely a crack but she could see him well enough to enjoy the show. She loved watching the way he ran his hands over his body. The way the water glistened off of his chest as he scrubbed himself clean. She stroked her labia softly moaning and she imagined him doing it for her. She watched as he put the soap off to the side. His shower was nearly over and now was the main show. As she watched he began to stroke his member with his soapy rag causing it to harden. She sighed wanting to be in there with him. then he moved his rag further down so that it no longer blocked her view of hit long hard member. Instead he was using the rag to caress his balls as he stroked his dick with his bare hand. She shrived lightly as her pace quickened. She knew what coming and oh how she wished to be a part of it. With a muted sigh she organism an pants watching her tamer finish up. As he shoot of his cum she found herself wondering again what it would feel like, taste like be like to have it all over herself.

Three weeks ago a mistake had happened and a door had been opened. Every night since then the temptation had gotten stronger. she tried to resists it but she was not as strong of will as she wanted. Tonight of all nights the temptation was too strong. the spring had come and tonight he had gone to bed straight form work. He did not show this time and she missed her stress releases and voyeur peep shoe that she had gotten used to. On top of that he was smelling to appetizing and was already both deep asleep and aroused.  She puzzled over it. Surely a small taste wouldn't hurt. Just a lick or two maybe a deep throat kiss like in the videos.

She moans lowly and savored the taste in her mouth. This was wrong so wrong she thought but as she did and extra bust of flavor entered her mouth and she savored it's salty sweet taste.  As she continues she  squeezes and  fondles the to soft spheres in her  hand feeling the weight, a great way to relive stress of so she'd head but these weren't typical mediation balls that she was dealing with. She listened to the rising tempo and thought to herself, 'it won't be long now'. With a final squeeze she was rewarded with a surge of the salty sweet taste the she so enjoyed. She savored the taste swishing it in her mouth and only swallowing enough to keep her mouth form filling it was bliss, But it ended all too soon. She sighed and swallows her final mouth full and noticed that that was still a chance for more enjoyment. She looked it over and felt the throbbing readiness so like her own.   "Should I?" she thought she'd given into to temptation once why not again? Then she was spared thinking about it as the throbbing between her thighs took over. 

Eric whist her good night before she sprayed him with her pollen shower attack. She watched as he sank into deep slumber. Why he has ask this she was not sure but I seemed he was having trouble sleeping. Susan leans forward and kisses the pollen covered face of her tamer. She want to speak to tell him what she feels but the throbbing in her hands and between her thighs speaking for her body and mind. Slowly she crept up to the object that she had so enjoyed playing with. The cradled it and rubbed all over keeping it ready her saliva slowly starting to dry as she worked up her nerve. The pulsating was driving her wild. She prepared her self this it would hurt but it would be worth it.

Then she lifted herself up and pressed the hard stick key to its key hole. With a deep breath she plunged down and nearly screamed as she both stole and lost something precious. She moaned and began to rock both soothing her hunger and tearing her heart. This went on for the rest of the night.

How did it start? <br>
Well, I don't know.<br>
I just feel the craving. <br>
I see the flesh and it smells fresh. <br>
And it's just there for the taking.<br>
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Warning Strong sexual content  non concental sex in this chapter.

Floramon sat on a small inflatable chair looking at her tamer. She absentmindedly licked her lips and sighed "aw" as her tamer answered yet another im pop up.  She needed to talk with him today but she still had no idea what to say. She felt her swelling labia throb as she watched him scroll through the windows and type. It was getting late and he would need to go to bed soon but the two of them still had not had a chance to talk about what she'd wanted too. She signed and watched as he finished his assignment and yarned. He was tired and soon would have to sleep.

"Remember Eric you have class in the morning"
He stretched and nodded and he typed good night in all of his im windows and saved his school documents and an erotic story that she's been reading over his shoulder. Then got up and hugged floramon kissing her forehead. "Thank you Susan I don't know what I'd do without you."   She giggles a bit hugging back. "Now you get to sleep Eric I'll come to bed once me and Gatomon have finished chatting."    Eric nodded waving "Have fun you two, I'll see you in the 'yarns' morning."

She watched his leave. She opened he mouth to speak but she couldn't't say it.  An im popped up and she looked it.  It was Catman27.
"Hi gatomon" she typed.
"Did you tell him?"
"That I raped him in his sleep last week because he had a boner?"
"Well that among other things?"
"I tried but I couldn't't."
"he'll forgive you girl I know he will"
"maybe but it's hard. The way he looks at me. I mean I know I deserve to be punished for it but I think it'll hurt him even more to find out what I did."
"What are you saying?"
"That I think I'd rather be deleted the let him know that I used him in that way."
"But you don't know what you're saying."
"sure I do. If I let myself get deleted then I won't have to tell him what I did. And I'll never be able to hurt him again"
"if you don't want to hurt him again then don't bother him in his sleep."
" I know I've tried but he just smells so good and is so tasty ands then I remembers how he feels."
" I get the picture"
" it's just as well I'm getting horny just telling you about him."
" leave him alone"
" I'll try"
"no you won't" 
"sure I will. I love him after all"
" but do you love him or just his body and what it can do for you"
"that's a horrible thing to say"
"but which is it" 
Floramon stiffed. She loved Eric she knew that she did but she had been using him lately. "I love him" she typed "I just want more"
"Then approach him." Came the response "He's a male and his ego may drive a wedge between you if you keep this up."
"okay I'll tell him tomorrow night"
"go for it girl"
floramon smiled." sure I will "

Floramon crawled into bed and sighed. There he was so close but so far away. She and Gatomon had argued for quite a while and it was now nearing 2 am. Two am, it was still late enough for him to be sleep but too late to use her pollen shower on him. He'd over sleep if she did. Well maybe this time it'd be okay. She thought was she rubbed her petal hands over his warm chest. She could smell his hormones spiking as she did. He was responding to what was meant to be just a gentle touch.  She licked her lips and kissed him lightly on the lips. She felt his pulse pick up as she lay against his chest.

His member was throbbing in her hand as she lightly stroked it and her pussy was crying for his thickness.  She moaned as she imagined him kissing her back. Of  him telling her that he loved her and that he would always love her. She sighed and pulled back looking at unaware lover.
"Her lover." That was generous on her part considering that he had no choice in the matter.  As her leafy hand stroked her fiery lust into an inferno she climbed on top of him. He would belong to her again tonight.

As she swallowed his member with her hungry body he stilled slight moaning. She waited for a moment enjoying his body as it spread her pleasantly. Her eyes went wide for a moment as she felt a thrust into her body. 'Was he awake?' no. she realized as she watched his eyes. He was dreaming that he was making loved to someone. She ground herself softly into his member enjoying the responses of his body as he made love to his dream lover. She lay forward kissing his lips as he continues to thrust into her. The thrust were rather weak but that was fine with her.

She held on to him grinding against his motion while wishing that she was the girl of his dreams. As she relaxed on the chest of he lover she felt an orgasm building.   She moaned forgetting how close to his ears she was for a moment. Then she arched her back moaning as she felt his thrust rub her sensitive insides. How long has it been? Sleep or not he was a good lover to get her so excited. She felt her control slipping as she began the bounce up and down on his hips. She was so close.   He moaned as she road him but she did not notice so caught up in her own pleasure. Then it happened. As her orgasm wracked her senses she became aware of his seed flowing into her. Then she noticed a shift in her balance. "huh wa... Susan what"

Eric's eyes had open and he was looking around bewildered. As his mind tried to piece together what was going on a sense of dread crept over him. It was unmistakable the weight, the moister and the sense of release.  What had happened? Could ... no that was not possible. He looked up into Susan's face. He tried to ask her what happened but his voice was gone. The he saw them. Glinting in the street light on her face were tears. What happened? What had he done or was this her doing? Why was she crying? He reached up to her to dry her tears.

He was looking at her. As she watched his face drained of color and his eyes widened was with it fear? Disgust? Or maybe it was disappointment. He tried to speak but his words fell silent. His hand tremble reached for her. his face was a mask of suppressed emotions. His hand was reaching for her head or was it her face? Maybe it was her throat and he was going to throttle her.  she panicked as his hand drew closer to her. "pollen shower!!"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


"pollen shower!" his face and whole upper body was cover in pollen and he fell back sleep once more. Oh no. "by the sovereigns what have I done?" she  pushed back and with a hash sucking sound and fell out of the bed. She was looking at him but even so her mind when back to gotomon's words. 'do you love him or just his body and what it can do for you?' stricken and ashamed she curled up on the floor and wept in shame.

I can't give it up. <br>
The pain that I'm just erasing. <br>
I tell my lies and I despise. <br>
Every second I'm with you. <br>
So I run away and you still stay.
So what the fuck is with you.

Floramon ran into the trees crying. There it was etched into her mind. The last look that her tamer had given her before she'd attacked him and run. An attack that's what was and for what? She closed her eyes shaking her head as she ran blindly away form the only male that she had ever loved.

She saw it again every time she closed her eyes. The look of total shock, confusion  and pain Eric's face. She saw opening his mouth but no sound coming out his hand reaching for her. And then she did it. That pollen shower attack. She panicked like the first time she's dusted him when they saw that huge rat. This time she had used it full in force and at point blank range. His fell back on to the pillow the look of shock froze onto his features under the pollen.  Then she fell off of him with a sickening sucking sound as she pulled off of his meat and ran.

Well not quite ran. Even scared like she was she could not leave him like that. She still loved him even though she hated herself. The first thing she did was clean him up. Then she called his school and told them he would be out ill for the day. She had barely held her tears back when calling. The reception person asked if he was alright, if the illness was life threading but she shrugged the questions off  and told there them that he's be unconscious for most of the day but that he'd recover for class tomorrow. When asked about her voice she simply told this it was because been crying most of the night. she'd almost lost him last night but at least now knowing that he'll be alright she was relived.
They accepted the lie and she was done.

Flormon slowed to a walk too tired to run much longer. She had left Eric still in his daze almost two days ago. Since then he had come the digital world looking for her and one point he had nearly caught up with her but some  otomamon got in his way. She watched in awe as he beat them back with a branch with out deleting  them. most times it looked like he was hitting the air ore the ground near them instead of the acutely striking digimon. That's was five hours ago and she had been running since then her mind was on Erice again. Why was he looking for her;. She was afraid and depressed as thought About everything. Her eyes blurred with tears she fails  see the rock she trips over.  She started to get of but lacks the will. Instead that's lays there sobbing and remembering Her deeds of the recent past.

A shadow falls across her back and Susan sighed getting to her feet. It seems that Eric had caught up with her. She begins to dust herself off doing as much as she could to put off this confrontation. She hears the foot steps coming closer. The just ahs she's ready to speak she releases that something is wrong. "My, my what have we here a little lost flower girl" the voice was cold and mocking. Susan turned around and saw a boy a little younger then Eric sneering at her on his head rode a tusakmon.

Your feelings I can't help but rape them. <br>
I'm sorry I don't feel the same. <br>
My heart inside is constantly hating. <br>
I'm sorry I just throw you away.<br>
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Pain. Anger. Hatred and humiliation.  Eric bolted up breaking his calculator and knocking over his desk as these feeling suddenly intruded on and overpowered his own worry.
"Is there a problem Mr. Valentine?" the voice that asked was nearly dead pan as cold eyes regarded the teen that had disrupted the class.
"I have to leave." Said the teen visibly trembling as he did.
"And since when that reason enough to disrupt our class?"
The teenager looked at the instructor "Sir you don't understand. My friend, she's in danger and..." 
"Oh? And I suppose you have a psychic bond with this friend of yours?"
"Yes I do and you should not be stalling me sir"
"Even if it's true why should I care enough to let you make a mockery of my class and then leave?"
"You should care because if I have to I will kill you all and still leave to save my friend"
The instructor stepped back and everyone in the room tensed. Eric had never spoken like that before .what was wrong with him? A slacker yes but he was no killer was he? But then he was not a liar either was he? His tone was so cold and his eyes. As he looked at the instructor the instructor felt a chill run up his spine.  It was almost like in Eric's mind the instructor was already dead and the rest of the class would soon follow.
"very well. Mr. Valentine you may leave."
"Thank you mister Kazanaga. Digigate open" as the class watched in awe as all of their cell phones rang and then beams of light shined form the phones and a digiport opened in mid air and Eric vanished into it. "Wow did you know he was a digi-destined" the whispers spread across the class.  Mr. Kazanaga however was more worried about the fact that Eric did not pull out a digivice. Mr. Kazanaga had, had digi-destined in his class before all in all they were generally good kids and well behaved. Eric was a bit of a slacker but he got the work done and he understood the material not bad for a kid form the states. No what worried Mr. Kazanaga was that no digidestined he had seen had ever opened a digiport without a digivice and a computer. But with Eric it was almost like the Gate had been waiting there just for him digivice or not. He glanced at a couple of the other digi-destined in his class. They were looking at there digivices which were silent. This meant that what ever was happening was not a world crisis or at least not yet. "Does anyone else need to leave to save a world right now?" the class was all silent or shook there heads. "Good now on with L'Hopital's Rule"

A second student rose form his seat. He was quite but shaking with fear. He hand not expected anything like this when he accepted this mission. He looked at mister Kazanaga and spoke up.
"Excuse me teacher"
"Yes, what is it now"
"I don't think he went to save the world"
"Okay and why is that?"
"Think about what he said and what he was about to do"
"Oh do enlighten us Mr . Sdiov.  You're a psychology major if I'm not mistaken"
"Look at it this way. What he said was <i>'my friend is in trouble.'</i> this indicated a single person not a world"
Yes, yes I'm sure the entire class heard him since he practically shouted it when I asked him."
"it's not just that. He was willing to kill for this friend of his. Then he enters the digital world?"
"So his friend is a digimon. He's not the only digi-destined at this school or in this class for that matter. What are you getting at?"
"have you ever heard of a human strong enough to fight digimon?"
" no I can't say that I have."
"I have sir and this is a scary thing"
"Look either he's strong enough to fight digimon or he's not either way we could not have stopped him if we tried"
"Sir do you remember the incident in the states 3 years ago? How a human stopped several rampaging digimon?"
"I read about it. The human was killed but that was a while ago"
"They say human first attacked when the digimon set an orphanage on fire sir. Then a red dragon digimon was seen in the air above the city and destroyed. The human killed them all"
"What is your point? that human is dead unless you're suggesting that Mr. Valentine is the mystery human"
"Sir they never found a body and considering what he just did I can see why"
"That is preposterous. What proof do you have?"
"as you know I'm only here for the semester Mister Kazanzga on a special study grant"
"yes, yes that much I know. You transferred in halfway through the semester."
"What you may not know is that I came here to study Eric sir.  You may not know it that Eric grew up in that orphanage and if he is that guy that I think he is then you just have saved all of our lives"
Mr. Kazanaga grabbed his desk slumping into his chair.  He was shivering a little. "Class dismissed except for you Mr. Sdiov. I wish to speak with you."
Sdiov nodded. he need to  fill the teacher in as well. Today they had all come to close to losing their lives. He waited as the rest of the class filed out.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Warning extreme violence and death in this chapter as well as disturbing visuals psychological insights

The light and spin was disorienting as Eric was pulled into the digital world. He was foolish he knew but he could not wait. Her cries were too strong. He plowed forward through the half formed gated as it ripped through a firewall. He was forcing it but then he was in a hurry. There it was the digital world. Susan was still crying but her voice was getting lower. Eric pushed one trying to increase his speed as the grassland came into the edge of his senses. suddenly as he  was about to enter the digital world her felt an impact very head very strong and so fast that he did not see it coming. He spun out of control passing out.

Eric shiver coming to. He was coved with snow and cold. He opened his eyes looking around. "I'm in the polar area? This is not where I need to be!" he listed to the digital world Susan was still alive and in pain but time had passed. Almost an hours worth of minutes spent unconscious what Susan suffered.. "Susan hold on!" he cries with his voice, heart and mind "I'm on my way" Eric ran faster then he ever had in is life. Susan was hurting. Her body and mind he could feel it and the more he felt the angrier he got. To say that he ran like his life depended on it would be a lie. He ran like Susan's life was on the line smashing though anything that he could not doge, be it ice, snow or stone.  He rarely ran for his life in the past but then before Susan he had not truly lived.

Anger, rage and a fury that few have known. These were not second hand emotions that Eric was feeling as he looked at the scene before him they were his own. The was Susan stretched between two digimon being forcibly taken while 3 others looked on and laughed.  Susan's eyes were closed and her petals were wilted some. Even with out his link her could tell she was in pain. She had been abused. Tear welled up in his eyes. In his rush he had caused her more pain bye being knocked out. This was his fault then her hear one of the waiting digimon tell his partner to hurry up as he stroked himself waiting. He could not contain himself any longer and he roared his body burning with his rage.

The three digimon looked up at the sound of the noise. There at the edge of the woods was a creature the looked almost human but couldn't be. There was wind rushing form his body and his hair was waving in the wind. His body was glowing with a power that was rarely seen in the digital word. The creature it had to be a creature power and wild appearance aside, it was the face of the creature it and made it inhuman. A face distorted by emotions to fierce that others could feel then and eyes that were delivering the promise of pain lingering even after death. As the roaring stopped the creature spoke in a horrible fear inducing voice laden with anger and venom. "You bastards! I'll devour your souls!"

Eric lunged forward at the beasts that had been tormenting his poor floramon. Three of them vanished in light with the other two attacked him off to the side he heard some gasp and others laugh but it didn't matter as his fist made contact with the closest of the beast. It screamed a death cry as it's electric attack fired wild and it's body exploded.  Where is had stood there was a flickering after image which screamed again as it was sucked into the shadow of the creature attaching it. Though all this happened in lest then a second it was long enough for him to see his fate. There was a dark digimon inside this human maybe it wasn't even and digimon but he could feel it's power as it hooked into his data, what humans would call his soul or spirit. In that brief second it spoke to him as well. The last thing it heard was an echoing voicing saying "Welcome to your new home you unlucky bastard. I am the keeper of this place but you shall call me master!"  Tsukaimon stunned by the electric attack was crushed a moment later. Then the beast of a human reach into the digivloution light  drawing of a malformed and now dying digimon. He shattered in his grasp. He heard for the first time the cries of anguish. There were coming form behind him.

The beast turned. Humans there were five humans here? As the beast stepped towards them one of the creatures blocked his way. It was larger them him by far with multiple arms. A second digimon that looked a lot like a werewolf in dark leather stepped out of a column of light as well. These humans were working with theses monsters. His body trembled with rage as he grew even angrier.  They were the ones responsible for the creatures that had hurt and defiled his friend. They would suffer. He would see to that.

"look at him shake I think we've got him now!" "Don't get cocky we have to delete him as soon as possible." "Yeah crush him Chimeramon" a huge clawed hand rushed toward the trembling creature before them. It was almost as if it had frozen then it looked at them. It's eyes were even colder then before if that were possible. As the clawed hand reached for it the thing what ever it was jumped and landed on the Greymon like arm running up towards the ultimate digimon's head.  they were so confident in their strength when in truth they had none. he thought. they are so weak but think the think they can be strong. i pity them "Quick help Chimeramon before it's too late Black WereGarurumon" but as he watched he realized that it was already far too late. Gazimon had been the first to die then Tsukaimon and Black Agumon before they could evolve and now chimeramon was dying too. The creature said it would devour there souls and as they watched the ultimate get it's heads split open they shuttered. The monster stopped but Chimeramon was still alive and as they looked they understood why.

He looked around him and found that his pity was gone. His soul had gone cold. His remorse was eaten up even as it tried to assert it's self. He was no longer himself he was rage personified. His anger had raised itself into a life form and enlightened him even as it took over. He was the wrath of the sky dragon that the ancients whispered.

He was looking at a filthy mongrel of a monster. This thing, this coward had lost what little respect he may had had for it as he watched it picked up the prone little flower girl. This monster was moving it's mouth but he could not hear it over the blood pounding in his ears. As far as he was concerned his words had no value. without saying anything as it picked up Susan with it's filthy claws over her neck. His poor little flower was in danger.
He felt his mind slipping away as he asked himself a question that he could not answer. "who am I?" he heard himself repeat out loud as if trying to understand. "That's not important you know. All that you should care about is that any chance of remorse or pity is gone." He was walking towards the wolf and talking in a low but confused voice. "Any hope that I would let you or even those beasts you call masters live?  Gone."

The wolf beast backed up stills holding his hostage. It tried to speak but it's voice was gone. It would have been futile anyway he could tell by the look in the eyes of the one approaching him. He tired to grab the floramon's throat with his last to emphasize the threat but his arms felt like there were frozen. This thing meant to kill him and kill him slowly. He backed up slowly wondering why the others had not run like he told them to. He wanted them to run. He wanted to run himself but he could not. "I am not reasonable." The creature said as he approached. "I am not merciful." He sounded calm as he approached and somehow that was even scarier then when he hard been screaming in rage.

why do I sound calm? he wondered as he approached the wolf with no control left in his body or voice. "You hurt my friend and now you threaten her as I stand here now?" behind him a column of light diminished and a missile attack launched at him. He did no notice it and even if he did he did not care. "You will all die." He continued stepping forward slowly. "I will see to that myself" Everything I want to say. Eric thought as he watched himself. Everything I feel. It's so clear now. It's almost as if some on is doing this for me. Eric knew what he wanted to do. Where the other deaths had been quick and relativity painless the wolf was going to suffer.

Dark were Garurumon watched as Chimeramon reached his mega level. He was the strongest of the digimon their. The human was ignoring him compliantly and worse yet. Now that he was the undivided focus of the human's cold hateful ... no not hate. hate would require his respect. this was anger stronger then anything he had ever seen but it was not hate. No not yet. Machinedramon fired missiles at the human but the missiles exploded before they could reach him. The digital world was warping with his every step. The werewolf Digimon froze completely as the flower girl was lifted form his arms by an unseen force. "you have earned extra pain." The monstrous human said and Dark WereGarurumon could see in the human's face that a deeper darkness struggling to be free. 'Gods' though the werewolf digimon. 'if this is him holding back...what would he be like unleashed?' "I hope you enjoy it as much as she enjoyed the pain you fostered upon her." The human had reached him his body was in pain as it felt the heat of anger and icy touch. He knew he was going to die, and painfully soon.

The speech was a touch mellow dramatic for his taste but it said what he wanted it to say. He could feel the wolf's fear spike as he held floramon with one arm. He wished he could send her somewhere safe where she would be protected and she vanished form his hold. He could sense her and realized that she was now being masked in a protective bubble. It was time to show the wolf what he had coming to him. He could see pain and fear etched into the werewolf's features. Not knowing or caring how he placed his hand upon the ground and a column of flames enveloped the werewolf.  "Hell's rage. Fire tower!"

This thing what was this thing? No digimon had this kind of power. Not on the series and definitely not in real life. They wanted to run the want to cry and plead for there lives. There final defense, a mega, was all the stood between them and their obliteration.  Sure he was strong but this thing was warping the digital world like Daemon, or Diboremon or even Aplocyamon. The real digi-destined had barely saved the world form those threats as is. Would they fall prey to something like this? The leader whisper to Machinedramon telling his partner to stand down. The others looked at him shocked. They could see defeat in his eyes. 
They were cowering before him. He could taste their fear and it turned his stomach. They had one last protector and he was trying the gather them behind him he did not look like he wanted to fight but he would not flee. No he would not flee, not while they were in danger. His fist felt the fire of his last attack but it paled against the fire of his anger. His anger was so strong that it hurt but still he pressed forward. As he walked forward his resolve grew colder. His body numbed slightly but his resolve grew stronger. Let them run. He thought.. Let them beg. I don't care. behind him he could still hear the cries of the dying werewolf. You will die and you will suffer unlike anything that you have ever known. he though as he approached them. His right hand was burning as he came into the monster range.  The monster tried to blast him again with some kind of laser cannon this time but the no avail. It splashes off the air around him like it was water. He watched as the leader came to understand that they would have a better chance of putting out a burring building with water guns then stopping him with one mega. He spoke to the monster but the monster would not listen. It told the children to run. He could see in the leaders eyes that he knew it would be futile. Energy weapons bounced off the air around him and physical weapons melted before his rage. Then the poor monster swung at him.  "Fist of rage" the tiny burning fist slammed into the huge metallic one in front of him with one uppercut. The huge fist shattered as did the arm up to the shoulder. "Enough!" cried a voice in anguished. It was the leader again

"yes you're going to kill us I know this much. While I can't say that we don't deserve it but please. Please heed this, my last request." He looked at them growling like the monster that he was. That look in his eyes was chilling. He swallowed and realized that he halted his attack on machinedramon. As the monster waited quietly the flames form his hand causing the air to crackle his eyes tell him make it quick.  He was more of a monster then every threat that they ever faced. Here was possibility a greater threat then the previous teams had faced, maybe even combined.

he waited watching the leader listening for his final ploy. "As much as I would like to ask to spare use or even for a painless death I know that you won't grant it. I can understand and respect that" the leader when on in a muted voice "but still I ask for this: please spare our worlds this wrath of yours." He was crying. Not just his face but his heart as well. "It was we that wronged your friend. It is our fault and ours alone." he continued.  "I ask not for myself but for the world that we love and came to love. We did wrong and we will bear the pain and responsibility for it."  This speech did not go over well with the others in his group however.

"What the hell!"
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" 
"Yeah if you're going to beg, beg for our lives."
The monster watched him his cold eyes glinting with out pleasure or amusement.
"Look you idiots! it's clear we can't fight him and win what's more we did wrong and we knew where were doing wrong when we did it but didn't let that stop us." The leader protested. The monster waited with far more patient then necessary. Still he had nothing to lose as neither his rage nor his power was in any danger of fading any time soon.  "So?"
" So? So! Think you idiot we can't stop him! Since we can't stop him he's going to kill us and.  Most of the other digi-destined in our area are weaker then us. It he can rip us apart like this then he can destroy the worlds. Starting with the digital world and with out the digital world how long do you thing earth would last?"
" no don't think. We caused this mess the best we can do is accept the punishment and hope it end with us" the monster was still waiting the grass around him burned away and the ground trembled as if wanting away form his body. It was as if the land itself as frighten of him.

His body was so cold yet his hand was burning but he waited. The boys were whining to each other about blame and living. Ha. Not one of them would live on.  Even if they were to pray for a miracle the chance of them surviving was too slim to count. The other four boys hung their heads. He guessed that the leader got to them "Your right" he heard them say. He didn't care. Then turning to face him they made a unified plea. "Please sire take out you anger on us. We deserve it but spare our worlds." behind him he heard someone trying to move. It was the metal monster. He was weak and wounded but still alive. The column of flames that were killing the werewolf creature were dying away as it's soul was consumed by the darkness. Five minutes of pain paralysis and finally death. It could have. He was lucky as it could have taken twice as long..  "Very well, I shall grant you wish but know now that death will not be an escape. I will be quick so prepare yourselves now." they nod and braced for the end. Again the lager digimon tried to protect them. It lurched in front of them trying to shield them from the coming attack. The human shook his head as it tried to hide them behind its massive body once more. "You can not save them or spare them the pain. They will now die. Hell zone rage."

As he spoke the metal beast he hears the answer to his question and knows that he is Eric no longer. "I am Eliander" he thinks as he watches the world around him erupt in flame. The flames seem to be a mirror of his anger. As the flame spread and consumed the screaming children and their last digital protector he understood himself better. "I am a creature of rage" yet at the same time as his rage and anger died down he feels a dark coldness issuing forth form his body.

As he watches as his shadow flies forth form his body. For a moment he feels untainted. As he watcher the shadow the takes all of the human and the remaining digimon inside the fire bubble and then vanishes for a moment. The shadow returns taking on a vaguely human form. It stands in the distance looking at him. He feels the numbing cold again as he and the shadow face of. For a moment he thinks that the shadow is trying to speak to him. Then for no reason he can understand it turns and looks into the distance. Then it turns again and approached him. It was dark a primal darkness in this sea of fire and light and it was reaching for him.

I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


very tame  pretty much g materials

"I'm scared" Eric thinks as the shadow walks towards him. "All this power that I have used and that shadow scares me" the shadow stops for a moment. Even this closes is has not features. It seemed to study him contemplating  then with what seemed to be a smile it walked past him 'where is it going?' he wonders and this with a bolt or awareness he turns as runs sprinting to the edge of the fire ball that he himself was the cause of. He know what the shadow was after. There was only thing the shadow could be after right now. There it was reaching outside the fire. It was reaching for...

To floramon the world was flame and the souls of the doomed screamed in anguish. Is this it? Floramon thought as she felt the flames of destiny lift her form the earth blowing her like a leaf in the wind.. Is it finally over? The breath was forced from her body as she yearned to scream to move but then she'd be too weak to move form the start. Then there was no breath in her body for scream she'd lost her voice hours ago. She let her head fall to the side wondering why she still was. She opened her eyes and looked as her vision tried to clear. There was the fire that she's felt it was still there in a big ball.

Maybe I have been deleted. She thought as she heard the screams coming from the ball. It would make sense considering what the human on TV had said about flame and pain for those who sinned and hurt others. Eric had wanted to turn the channel but she'd asked him to let her watch it so he had. The screaming was starting to die down but the fire was still there. In the fire a shadow began to form it split two and the started to approach her. As her vision began to fade again she looked and saw the shadow of a human stepping out of the fire. Though she could not see well she felt the person looking at her with eyes colder then any evil she'd ever seen. This had to be a demon here to collect you data for her sins. She shivered bracing as he approached her.

Then as she blinked the demon was shoved aside disappearing into the ball of fire as he fell. Who had rescued her? Why? As her eyes began to focus again she saw the answer. There was Eric reaching for her. He looked beat and more then a little ragged but like the other human he too stepped out of the flame with out being burned. If anything he felt a little cold as if he had been frightened. She could feel his shake and he held her. Her lips part of there own accord and gave voice to her thoughts in a raspy low gurgling voice. "So that's why I'm alive" she whispered as his arms drew her close to his shaking body.  Then the world swam and all went dark.

"I have you now Susan." Eric whispered. He was crying. He can come some close to losing her, not once but twice now. That other person, that shadow, was not here anymore and he was himself again.  He cradled her in his arms his head swimming as his body tried to black out. Eric held one with a dogged will not will to slip into the darkness quite yet. His anger had more or less faded save for some ember that refused to die. Behind him the fire ball also fads form existence. Eric hugs Susan close and falls to one knee.

"No" he murmured hugging the poor ravaged digimon he cried as his guilt and pain welled up to fill the spot his anger had vacated. "If only I had gotten here sooner" he whimpered  as he force himself to stand and step forward "I could have stopped this from happening" he took another step and his legs bucked to his knees again. He was crushed by guild and fatigue . He tried to stand up so that he could walk them home but found that he lacked the strength to do so. Thankfully His body was too numb to hurt.

He rest for a moment then would take Susan home again. Once there he would nurse her back to health. He would see to it that this never happened to her again. And he would... as he was going to, then it hit as he managed to stand.  The fire behind him his died out as did the last strength in his legs. Each second the hand of chaos seemed to be squeezing him. Even now as his mind was struggling to hold on to thoughts of what he would do it became imposable to think. He lifted a leg to step forward and found himself falling. The hole felt endless deep as he curls around his floramon protecting her with his body. Though it is barely a two and a half foot drop.

Moments later a sharper eared shadow falls on the pair. It shakes it's head and a pair of clawed hand reach out to pick up the floramon only to find out that the unconscious human refused to let her go. "I guess I'll have to take both at once then". She says as she picks up the human digimon pair and sprints off surprised at the humans lightness despite his size.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


running into a little snafu and i should have the next part up in a few days. not a long as some of the ones that came before it.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Eric shrived and turn in his sleep. In his dream holding floramon and running. Behind him he feels the presence of a threat following them. He is getting tired but he had to keep running or else the darkness would take Susan from him. he clutched her close the prevent the grabbing hands from sealing her from him and ran on.

Floramon squired in her sleep. It felt like she was slowly being crushed. She squirmed a bit more then her eyes opened as she woke up. "Huh wa" she asked groggy as she looked around. "so you've waken" says a  diamond edge voice. Floramon looks around as sees a pair of eyes in the darkness and nearly screams. The tried to shrink away half remember a figure shroud in darkness reaching for her. It is then that she realizes that she is being pressed against Eric's chest. "you seem scared. I guess that means you saw the digimon that destroyed that field." Floramon hugs to Eric's chest scared "who are you? Please I beg of you spare us and if not me at least let my tamer live" "I am not here to harm either of you" As they speak the speaker steps into the light. She was a silver furred Renamon.

Floramon hugged tightly to her tamer. "your not but that shadow the fire.." "why don't you tell me what you saw" "but Eric " Eric is fine he's still holding you and I could get him to let go" Floramon calmed downs and she felt Eric tight his grip. "he wouldn't let you go when I found you to on the battle field. It looks like he shield you with his body"  It had taken some convincing but flormoan believed that this renamon was not the sinister shadow that she'd seen before passing out. "He fought form me. He was trying to save me that that monster came. That shadow beast came killed everyone and was coming for me then Eric he, he knocked it aside and picked me up and ran. I passed out. " that was foolish a human verses five rookies? I'm surprised he's still alive" "Eric is strong. He could fight as champion if he had to" "then why does he need you" floraman crumpled crying.

Renamon sighed. "What now?" "you're right you know. He doesn't need me" the floramon said with a sob. "he doesn't need me." she tried to push away from her sleeping tamer only to be dragged back down. His heart beat had increased she could feel it. It felt as if he was scared. She cradles the side of his face cooing to him.. "I'm the one who needs him and for some reason he refuses to let me go." "Then he may just need you" "how do you figure that?" asked floramon feeling anger at her own weakness "He's stronger then me and has protected almost sense me meet." Floramon began to cry ago hugging her tamer like he was a teddy bear. "any times there's trouble we fight. More then half the time he ends up protecting me but I'm getting stronger." she smiled. "soon he won't have to put himself in danger to help me" "if you ask me it sounds like he loves you"

"love me? No that is not possible. I can even evolve yet after all the time that we've been together." "What does evolution have to do with love" "it.. I well." Floaramon was flustered. Did she really have to spell it out? " I'm not pretty! Okay!?"" Not pretty?" "oh sure I've heard of human and digimon romances and yes I've seen some of the internet videos. What did all of them have in common? The digi girls were gorgeous. Even if the guys weren't as nice looking as Eric. "Lillymon's, Angiwomon there was even a Rosemon and Lady Devimon threesome in one of them. But me, what about little old me? I can't compete with their looks or their power." The Renamon stood there watching as the floramon slipped out of her tames now relaxed grip. "maybe if I was stronger then I could hope that he would see me as a potential lover but I don't even have that hope not unless I can evolve."

Renamon looked at the flower digimon. This was unbelievable even if it was true. "Is that why you're so broken up?" Floramon looked up at the Renamon. "You are weak." She said her voice laced with some contempt "So weak that you have no love of yourself nor confidence... in your tamers judgment." Floramon stepped back shocked at the words. "if you have even the slightest bit of worth you would not dwell on what you can't do." The Renamon continued turning her back on the Flower digimon. "Instead you would support your tamer with all that you have and not doubt you worth to him." "But I" "No buts!" shouts the Renamon turning on the Floramon. "He risked his life for you." said the Renamon. She was becoming aggravated. "From what you told me he's done it more then once. If you don't understand, if you can't see his feeling then you don't deserve him as a tamer." I .. I" "get out!"  but" said Floramon falling in surprise "get out NOW! Before I delete you myself"

the stunned flower scampers up to her feet the looking at her tame still helpless on the bed. She gathers her pollen. "no" her voice was weak and her attack barely functional. The renamon growled shard of ice like crystals gather in her paws as he stares at the little flower." I wont leave Eric even if you mean to kill me I won't abandon him." The shards fly and floramon screams shielding herself. Then she opens her eyes. She was not hurt but how? "I won't kill you, nor will I harm your tamer in you absences but  right now I can not bide the sight of you so leave."  The floramon nods and hurries out of the hut. "what a miserable little partner you picked human. Still I hope she proves to be worth your while." Said the renamon as she approached the human and press her paw his head. He still had a slight fever but the floramon said he was strong and some how the renamon believed her. Eric stirred under her touch his world swallowed in bad dreams.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


a brief break in the story and a personal appearance for me. yes this is still part of the story if anyone is reading it that is.

The writer looked up. There was a renamon and a face from the past approaching, he smiles. That guy was so easy to aggravate this would be fun. "You late" the writer says with a smile. " I didn't want to come in the first place but"  "but you'll risk it all to help her E?" HE nodded "So much so that you would even 'Ask the archivist?'" I was smiling. The guy before me clenched his fist. "now, now ..." I was having a little fun but he was getting angry. No surprise there I would do the same thing in his place. I chuckled "Lets stay civil here now.

I watch as he dropped to his knees before my desk. "please help us." His voice was heavy with emotion. He showed no tears but I could here them in his voice. "I must know if we can save her lover." I nodded. He loved her and there was plenty of reason to love her. Her strength, her loyalty, her form and fighting skills were plenty good as well. I sighed feeling the tug of a school age crush."

You can save her and her lover but the possibility is slim." "That's all I ask" "There is one more person that you will have to see. I've prepared the records that you need and the video evidence is being gathered now." "how do you" "don't interpret" "i'm sorry" he was really bummed "Go see the only person that you fear and despise even more then myself. He well tell you what you need to know to escape this setup" "the person that I fear? Who do you mean" though he asked I knew that he knew who I was talking about. "him. The one that once claimed to be a god" he growls at me an reach for the records. I put my hand on his to stop him. "See him fist then come back for these." He looked at me long and hard then turned and left. The renamon followed him.  With a sight or regret i the writer picked up the manuscript and began to record again as the littler floramon by the river was about to be attacked by a Deltamon.

End intermission
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


sorry aboutthe small update but life is getting busy for me.

Floramon sighed as she washed in the river. That Renamon. There was something almost familiar about her. Still   though floarmon as she drank in the water from the river. " there is some thing odd going on here, why do I feel like I'm being watched?" in the forest near the river a shadow departs from one of the trees. It slides along the ground and  into the shadow of a near by sleeping digimon. "The digimon's swells in size it's eyes opening red "dark evolution"

The renamon watches the human as he clutches at his chest. Suddenly his eyes open. He looked around but the renamon was hidden in the shadows of her hut. "Susan?" he called sounding bewildered. "Were are you Susan?"  "is that her name?" asked the renamon form the shadows. suddenly faster then any human had a right to be the human leaped form her bed and  grabbed the wall supports hold himself off the ground as if her felt it was trapped. Somehow he was clinging to the wall supports his eyes probing the darkness looking for the speaker. "where is Susan" " I sent her away. Her crying was becoming annoying" she watched the humans face closely. There was concern there but also a fierce determination. Then his eyes seemed to find her. That should not be possible but her was staring at her chest? His eyes moved down her body then up again. He could defiantly see her renamon reasoned. Then as they locked eye to eye they heard a scream. "Susan!" the human left a hole in her wall as he pushed off the wall and ran out of the hut looking for his partner
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Renamon followed amazed at the humans speed.  He made his way to the river with ease as if following some kind of beacon. He stops for a moment and Renamon reads he clues even as he does. This was where she entered the river, there is where she ran form here and the gait suggested that it was fear the motivated her to do so. As the moment passes the human closes his eyes then closes his eyes for a moment.  Then he is off and running again as if here were possessed. The silver furred Renamon followed and licked her limps in anticipation. She has a sense of foreboding about this.

The champion was still coming. Nothing was working and at this rate she wound die before she escaped. "Pollen shower" she cried out as her arms shot forth and the larger digimon was clouded in sleep powered pollen. As soon as the champion cannot see the she reveres direction being immune to her own pollen. "Delta force" The huge ball of enter fired blinded form the mist of pollen over her head and it the location that she may have been in if she's kept running away. Instead she ducked between his legs and ran for the woods.  Scat meters form cover her entire body is rocked by and impact. The world froze for an instant. For a moment as the massive tail rested against her body like a paused VCR then world jerked into motion again. She was lifted off the ground and painfully thrown into the air. As she wonders if her life is over she feels a pair of soft arms  grab her out of the air and pull her close to a heaving chest.

how far has the run? It had been mere moments after awakening for a beat-up state but the human had sprinted about half a kilometer. Then he read the scene and picked up the trail running here at full speed. The trip must have been nearly 6 kilometers to catch up with floramon.; during that time he looked like  he was barley looking winded instead he looked angry. Her right hand was bathed is a reddish glow that seem to come form his wrist and he stares at the half blinded furious digimon as if planning how best to kill him. The floramon shivered half unstable. "Hold on Susan."  He whispered though Renamon could clearly hear him. "please hold on for me" as she watched the little digimon seemed to pull herself together. She clung tight to the arms holding her and the Renamon could only feel pity for her. "Delta force" the massive energy ball was launched at them and split into fragments as the human struck it with his right hand. "Time to die"

He ran forward and the battle was on. He was horribly unskilled, the Renamon noted but his speed and power were breath taking. She watched as he dodged bite attacks and tail whips to strike home on it's body again and again. As she watched this lone human took on was besting a powerful champion. She watched as he shattered the skull hand but still the champion stood and fought. She watched the human and noted that he was panting now as if he was tired.  Small wonder considering what his body had been through but his was still pushing his speed and strength but he was reaching his limit. He could not do this alone. Renamon felt a hand pull at her chest and looked down. Floarmon was waking up.  "Eric are we... you're not Eric" "no Eric is fighting for his life right now"

Before she knew what was going on the weaken floramon had pushed her way free of her arms and was attacking the digimon that had hurt her as well. She withheld the rain of pollen attack "Stamen rope" the silver Renamon sight and joined the battle. as she watched the digimon before her was engulfed in darkness. "dark evolution" the wounded digimon digivoled into Medadraman.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


will update soon. trust me you don't want to see the text i have currently. and my English teacher would cry to see all the spelling errors within
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


here is the promised upday. sorry to take so long

This was not good. The human was strong be weakening due to his recent ordeal. Their opponent had not just recovered but had also increased his power. She watched as the human took a strike full force as the ultimate attacked. The speed of the tail as it struck him was incredible but the human road it. It seemed impossible that  he could but with his hands her braces and grabbed the approaching tail and pushing off against it. It was a valiant effort but the human was out classed now.

Renamon grimaced are her attacks did little if any damage again the ultimate digimon's armored head. "Susan" the  human gasped spitting up blood. "Susan" he cried again this time louder. The floramon however had her own troubles as the ultimate was attacking her now that the human was down. She had become as his main focus. The floromn was struck as she disregarding her own safety ran towards him attempting to  answer his plea. For some reason this annoyed the silver renamon as the ultimate shrugged off another of her attacks to go after the floramon " damit  you big winged lizard don't ignore me"  she found herself shouting as she landed on his faces  striking it's eye with her claws. 'what's come over me she wonders as she draws back in times to avoid her hand getting caught in it's  massive eye. She jumps back away form the half blinded monster. As she jumped from of the thrashing ultimate she saw them.  Floramon had taken advantage of the distraction to reach the humans side. He was talking to her. Maybe he was confessing his love but for her. For all the good that it would do them. Maybe he was asking for support. As she landed she noticed that the ultimate had gone still. Was it dead? " you want my attention little renanmon? You want it bad enough to die?"

This was bad.  He was looking at her and one of his eyes was gone. He seemed to seethe darkness.  Then she hears a voice calling to her. "run Renamon. We're his true targets not you" it was the human. Even now when he was so hurt he was cough up blood he was worrying about the safety of someone he had barely just met? "he's right you know" said the ultimate still focuses on her. His eye told her that if she so much as moved he would strike at her and devour her code. "I don't want you, I don't even want him. But that floramon is my target and he'll die protecting her and there is no reason for you to do the same" Renamon closed her eyes fist clenched as she shivered in rage. This digimon ultimate or not was discounting her. He thought she was weak enough that he could ignore her so long as she didn't get to become too troublesome. "run home little silver Renamon. Run home and live. I have business to take care of"  "No." "what was that?"  " I said no." Renamon took a deep breath "I don't know why but I won't let you kill them." "then die" there was no emotion other then annoyance as the digimon struck at her. This is the end she thought as the but instead of being reduced to code renamon was amazed again. The floramon steam rope was redirection the attack as the huma  grabe her  jumping out of the way. "Susan" he called and they landed. "we need more power." "I'm trying" " I know Susan but not it's do or die. We need a evolution to survive this" the human jumped away from renamon his fist drawn back aim for Megadramon only to get  bashed form the air by a Ultimate slicer attack. That was it. Renamon could take no more. "Renamon shinka!"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Sorry i got soo bogged down and all he's what i have i well be added to this lathes in the week.

The megadramon shielded away. Now what was the though on his mind as he enough not one but two evolutions. As the light fade the ultimate digimon found he was faced by two kyubimon both looking very angry. "how is this possible? The human is unconscious" the two multi-tailed foxes charge him as one. Susan cried out her attack and multiple fireballs struck the ultimate digimon in his face and chest. The silver kyubimon followed up with a second more devastating attack.

The Megadramon  screens in agony as it was deleted. The vanishing digimon gave way to a small rookie that seemed bewildered and frightened. It turned running into the forest frighten and the silver kyubimon let it go. Her attention was on the other yellow Kyubimon. Was this the floramon? If so how did she digivole just then and to this form no less? For that matter she was not sure ho she herself had digivolved. Could the human have had something to do with it like the ultimate had said?

"eric?" the kyubimon cried softly nosing the comatose human. "Eric come please open your eyes." The silver kyubimon approached. " Eirce he's" "he's not dead is he?" " not he's not but he's barely breathing"  " but he's still alive like you are. Come we'll take him back to my hut and he can heal there" the silver Kyubimon walked past Eric and with her tails grabbed and lifted  him onto Susan's back. " be careful with him. This is probably your first time in that body and I doubt if it's a natural evolution for you. " Susan followed only to feel Eric slipping. The silver kyubimon was then in and instant correcting his balance. " remember he can't hold onto you right now so you'll have to balance his weight form him." With that the set off again heading for the home of the silver renamon.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


(sorry to take so long but i hope the size of the update is worth the wait. i have had a little writers block on this story but i'm back writing int again. .again be were of adult content and though there are no graphic sex scenes in this sections this section is still about adult relationships)

Floramon changed the compress on Eric's head. He hand been sleep for two days already and she was getting worried. She'd never seen Eric hurt like that before and she hoped he'd never be hurt again. She left the room as Eric slept on. The silver Renamon was waiting for her.  Oddly enough she seemed worried about Eric as well.

"Has his fever broken" 'not yet but he is a lot cooler then he was last night" the Renamon nodded and looked off to the side. " he's not human" " yes he is!" the Renamon dropped the subject. She looked at the little flower girl. She had retuned to herself the day before and since then she had not been able to digivolve. This was both curios and troubling. Why had she digivolved when the human was in danger? And why had the flower girl taken on a similar digivolution?  She watched as the flower girl drank her soup with out speaking. "he'll get better. You know that don't you?"  the flower girl nodded mutely.  " i don't understand. I though you'd be relived to here that you partner was well and excited to tell him that you digivolved." " I am it's just that's this is all my fault. I'm not sure that he'll ever forgive what I did to him"  "got him him trouble? Or are you talking about how he's nearly been killed several times helping and protecting you even after you ran form him." The flower girl looked downcast. "no you don't understand" Understand what? That you were feeling sorry for yourself because you couldn't digivolve?  That ins a fit of self pity you ran way form you tamer because you felt that he would never see you as a lover? Or is there more. Tell me what I'm missing if there is." 

The floramon looked at the silver furred renamon. In her eyes was a look that the renamon had not seen before. It was then that she realized she was missing a lot more of the story then she thought. What was the little floramon hiding?.

" it began months ago you see." The floramon began. "I could help it. Not really."  "couldn't help what?" probed the renamon. "falling in love with my tamer." Renamon nodded this sounded normal. "but even so that is not excuses for what I did to him."  Renamon held her tongue. "To think when it all started he was nursing me back to health in and abandoned building in some human city." Floramon smiled. " he told me when I got better that I could leave if I wanted but he also said that he would miss me. needless to say I decided to stay and then he stared to change." " change how?"  "first he took use the digital world to take us to a new country then he found a job. Before I knew it he was  going to school. Next thing I knew it we were in a nice apartment and he was saving money lice made for some reason the I messed everything up. I didn't mean too" "what did you do?" "I was both alone and lusting after my tamer. He spend so much time away form me working to  keep a roof over our hears that didn't have large holes in it. I know he did it form me but I missed him. I wanted his attention more then this life he was building for us." " did you tell him?" "I couldn't even bring myself to try.  If only I had done something to deal with it them maybe I wouldn't have...." "what did you do Susan?" " I didn't run form may tamer because I couldn't evolve I ran form him became he woke up while I was raping him."

That was it. It dropped like a bomb. The floramon had been raping her tamer. Renamon had only a vague concept of the word rape but she understood that it was very against the human since of morality. " so wait you were" but the floramon did not seem to hear her. ". I mean I knew it was wrong. I knew that the first time it happened. My friend gatomon told me to tell him that he could forgive me but I didn't. I was sacred I would hurt him if I told him I'd done something like that. But it happened again and again then that night. The night that I ran away he found out. It was the look of shock and pain on his face as he realizing what was happening.  That is when I realized what rape was and why it was bad. I'd taken any choice that he may have had. I was using him to satisfy my hunger it wasn't love. Not like that. It was in his eyes that I realized not only had I hurt him but that there was not way to take it back. All in one instant I lost my carefree understand of life and he lost his partner that he could trust. It may have been kinder to him if he had never nursed me back to health then I wouldn't have hut him like I did."

Renamon sat there stunned. Now she known that was going on. The floramon  loved her tamer true enough but at the same time she'd come to hate herself. She was unwell in mind and would surely be corrupted if her tamer could not help her. That was why she  stood ready to defend her tamed to the death. If she could have them both death and victory over her tamers enemies the renamon had littler doubt she would take it. She wanted her tame to be proud of her even no as she felt that he would never lover her. She looked at the floramon and could almost read in her a death wish. "do you thing that dying will help" Maybe not but I don't want to hurt him anymore. I can try to protect him form anyone else. Even if a mega were to try to attack us I would defend him to the death but I can't defend him form myself." " you'll have to try" said the renamon. "you'll have to try"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


sorry but between jobs and wireties block i've slowed down my writiend a lot. i'll try to upday at least one a month until things stablized. that said here is an update.

"Susan Don't Go!" Both the silver renamon and floramon looked up as the cry rang out. The floramon 'Susan' was up and running for the room. The renamon arrive first. She saw the human sitting up staring at his arm just below the wrist. He clutched his arm close to his chest and started to weep. Renamon stood there a little shocked. What had caused this transformation? In battle he had been both level headed and controlled.  Renamon feels a slight shove as the floramon pushes past her. For a moment the human seemed unaware of her them he swept her into his arms crying and apologizing to her. " I'm sorry I'm so very sorry" he cried.

The floramon hugged him protested, "I did you wrong master. This is my fault not yours."   He shuttered as if slapped. " I'm not your mast Floramon. For me to be your master you've have to be my slave and I don't want you to be a slave." Floramon cried on his shoulder. " how can you ever forgive what I did to you." "What did you do?" he asked confused. Floarmon looked at him. "I.." she began and froze.  Eric seeing the pain and uncertainty in her eyes spoke up "I know you used your pollen shower one me and put me to sleep then you ran away. I saw you crying right before you struck me like you were in pain at the look on your face. You were scare and don't lie to me and say you weren't"  Susan mutely nodded. "I don't know what happened while I was sleep but if I hurt you.." Susan covered his mouth with a leaf like hand. "what happened is that you woke up while I was using you."  "using me?"  Eric said. " you mean..' Susan was crying again. "I was raping you while you slept." She blurted out. " I mean I knew it was wrong but I ... I" Eric brought her close ton him hugging her as she cried. 'so' he thought. 'That's what had happened.'

Eric held her patting her back as she cried. Now he was starting to understand. Why she put him to sleep, why she ran, and why she was crying in his arms even now. It was all starting to make sense.  She ran form him not because he was hurting her in his sleep be because she felt she was hurting him.  Eric started to cy as well

Silver Renamon watched them hug and cry. It was odd to see knowing how proud males tend to be. "Now that all is known is all forgiven?" She asked. They fried for a few moments more and then with a sad smile the human push the floramon at arms length. "I guess I really haven't been there for you if you felt you had to do that."  " I know what you were trying to master. You just wanted to give a  perfect life but the problem was that between you school and work you weren't in it." " I know." The human looked a little crest fallen. " I've been neglecting you. I'm sorry it won't happened again" " on no you don't" the floramon said. " I won't let you blame yourself for my flats." "but if I..." "no buts. Lonely or not I had no right do that." " still I  should"  but the floramon would not hear it. " I could have told you. I should have told you the first time it happened but I didn't. instead I just went deeper and deeper and I couldn't stop myself" the human looked at her. He started the stopped. "I understand." he said at last. The floramon looked down. " in understand and I forgive you"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


looksaround to see if anyone else is reading, and then merges back into the shadows... uh, why does renamon care about Takato?

A Digimon and their Trainer/Taimer should not have that close a relstionship unless its pr0n...and even then it's weird to imagine a botanical lifeform having an intrest in a human subspecies.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


acutely this is not that renamon this is silver renamon as for what she cares. she came into the picture when she was investigating a large battle near her home. she arrived and found only the floramon and they human sleep on the scene. when she took them home let them recover and to question them less she discover a new war has began she found out some interesting. then the floramon was attacked. she followed the human to lend aid and saw this human and that floramon right off an ultimate digimon though  they needed her help as the human was knocked out. she in my mind will be the key as i have seen the renamon as a digimon of incredible spiritual balance which is something these two need.   the human in quest in not cones to the series at any point and has not even met the tames of the series. also unlike most tames he merged with his digivice when he  foolishly grab it before it was finished forming. it is in line right arm just below the wrist.

as for the relationship i felt like writes a some what different story for the ones i had read ad as stuck with the story line in the trial then this  came to mind. what would happen if a digimon has violated there concepts of protecting there tamer due to a selfish desire? as stated the human in quest in beyond the age of consent though not quite old enough to drink. they have been together almost a year and the emotions began when she was injured saving his live in the digital world. after that she woke up in the human world and was nursed back to health by this stranger she'd barley met. it's a work in progress at all but now that the major bomb shells have been dropped it's development is heading toward the dealing with what happened and if they can move past what she's done. her perspective on this is important to me and i am working on how to express what she's going throng and how it is affecting her human partner.  true it is and adult story. true there are thing in it that are not  child safe hence the warning that i have a tends to repeat whenever it gets over violent or descriptive. also it shoe be noted that about 3 months have pastes since the begins of the story.

that you for you interest. do you have anymore questions ore suggestions?
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Days later he trio part company. It had taken Eric and Susan nearly two days to fully recover but being the people that they were they wanted to show their gratitude. Having stayed to help renamon rebuild her home and replant her field which was damaged in a second battle. As she watched them leave the sliver renamon felt a pang of remorse. She was not sure is she wanted them to stay with her out to go with them but there was something there that she wanted to explore. As she turned and entered her home she again paused to consider the human. He was unusual to say the least. All that power he seemed to posses as well as the restraint that she saw but still he was lacking. After the first sparing match she knew what he was lacking in both skill and experience. She had offer to tutor her and he promised to return so that she could but who knew how long that would be.

In his dream he'd been telling her what he remembered of the fight. She'd seemed surprised that he'd come for her and was sulking about what happened.  "I've told you floramon don't call me master or tamer. I'm simply Eric or maybe Eliander now. i'm thinking that we have to move so i was thinking of a new name you like?" Floramon's shoulders heaved. And she began to cry again. He held her close to him patting her back as she cried on his shoulder. He honestly did not know what else to do. Then the dream ended.

As  the two reached a digiport Eric considered what had happen over the past ten days. "ten days" he said aloud. "what was that , Eric"  asked Susan. "I was just thinking about how much has happened to us since I found you. Has it really been only ten days?" Susan looked saddened. " on I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring up bad memories it's just..." "it's hard to believe?" she finished for him. "yes" "well it happened." Susan sighed. " and what is worse is that it' all my fault." "Susan don't blame yourself . you could not have known this would happen when you ran." "if I was more  honorable or restrained then I would not have  need to run." "Susan that's the past. Leave it be okay?" "I'll try" she said. Then they passed through the portal.

Monday the headmaster's Office

"So mister Valentine have you anything to say in you defense?"  "only that I did what I felt had to be done at the time." "And this included a need to threaten your math instructor?" Eric stopped. "I told his not to stop me sir. If he had continued to try to detain me then in that state of mind there is no telling what I would have done to him." "you admit this" "yes sir. I am not in the habit of deceiving others." The head master sighed.  "One week suspension, then two weeks probation. Don't let this happen again." Eric nodded. "Yes understood sir" Eric left the office.  The headmaster pressed his intercom and gave his secret orders to place a call then clear his schedule for the rest of the day. the ringing stopped. "has he returned?" asked a voice from the phone.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Well i'm still working on my perception and point of view in my writing. there are a few more battles coming up not all of them are likely to be what is expected.

Eric looked at their home. It was a small place but worth holding onto. It was about 250 cubic meters. Small compared to his fist place but livable. He wanted to stay here but had a nagging feeling he would be on the run soon.  He would have to be subtle about this but still it would have to be done. Maybe they could set up a home in the digital world after all he's lived there for a few years already. Renamon could help is she wished. He's promised to come back for training anyway. "master are you okay?" Erick flinched. "Just thinking Susan."

"Master are you okay" asked Susan she was getting worried. "just thinking" Eric answered her. He was her tamer and master was just looking around not speaking he was barely blinking. He was so near yet he seemed so far away something was bothering him. "thinking about what?" "the digital world."  Susan paused. 'the digital world? Why?' "did something happen?" "yes Susan too much to thing about right not but maybe later." 'this sounded bad' then form out of nowhere he pick her up and kissed her on the forehead and hugged her.  She felt him shiver a bit as she leaning against him supported by his arms. "Susan, how about we go back to the digital world for a while?" "wha?" 'what was this? Why?'

"Susan ," he said as he help her close. He was so afraid of losing her. Not again. "How about we go back to the digital world for a while?" "what?" asked Susan seeming bewilder.  "it doesn't have to be overly long but I'd like to do a few things there"  'I have to train and get stronger he thinks.' but instead of saying this he smiles. "Besides it might be nice to spend sometime at home with out there being some kind of cries in the works. We could even build a home their were you can relax." He was holding her and rocking her a bit. He knew she was not a baby but he still could not help but cradle her then she pushed away a bit and he let her down gently. "what brought this one?" he held in a sigh. She did deserve to know something.

"What brought this on?" she didn't mean to but it slipped out. She watched him as he paused. It was almost like he was trying not to cry. "I've got a bad feeling Susan" he said. "Something bad maybe coming this way and I want you as safe as possible" "and what makes the digital world safer then here?" "I don't know but I know that you're stronger when you're both home and happy. I was thinking maybe this way I could try to do both." "are you asking me to runaway." The moment she said it she knew she was wrong.  His face went pale and he seemed to tremble. " No please don't." his voice was cracking as she spoke despite his visible effort to control it.  "I would still be with you when not at school but this way you could spend time with your friends" and they can protect me?" "well uhm" he was blushing "if not for you I would have died back there. but you and that renamon saved me. on top of that she said she wanted us to come back" Susan smiled. "And this what you feel you can honor your promise and try to protect me?" he rubbed the back of his neck still blushing. He opened his mouth to speak but stopped. Susan reached up pulling him down and kissed him. after that he stopped trying to talk and just nodded. " you worry to much Eric"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


There was her tamer her master. He was training with sliver renamon. She'd done him wrong and here he was trying to get stronger to protect her. She'd taken from him with out asking something that was his to give something. In doing so she had hurt him maybe even broken his heart. He laughed it off saying that it was okay but she knew he'd lost something. Something that he knew he could never recover or replace once it was gone. He'd moved them near her old home, he'd bullet a new home with a nice garden for her.   He'd become stronger and so had she under that watchful eye of her new friend sliver renamon and all he asked was that she be happy and safe. She may have been safe bur still she was not happy.

She sighed. Eric was getting pushed back as renamon pressed her attack. "Watch the garden" she called. Eric deflected a forward strike and drove forward away form there growing food. Renamon was on him in moment her kicks and slashes forcing him to work hard to stay in one piece. She watched and he fought back and parried. Renamon seemed to be tougher on him when they trained. When she trained him she forbade the use of special attacked but then again considered what happened that one thin she allowed him to use them it was understandable.  Susan though about it but did not understand. Eric's special attacks seemed consist on him drawing on the energy of his digivice and using it to increase the forces of his blows sometimes setting things on fire. It seemed to tire him out as well but that was expected as he was human. What Susan didn't why but after using an attack sometimes in the middle of it Eric seemed to freeze up. That freezing up more then the unpredictable power of the attack was a problem.

Renamon called and end to the training session and Susan called them in for tea. She'd runaway getting herself hurt and he ran after her saving her again.  She could only wonder why. She was weak in battle and nearly useless. She hear people tell him that all then time before she ran away. She had even begun to believe it dispute her tamer standing up for her. The other digi-destine both early generations and older younger members did not seem to understand what he saw in her and she had to admit she didn't either. If he had let her go instead of staying loyal to her what would have become of her?. Was she really worth it?

She though back to when he woke up to her raping him yet again in his sleep. It was then that she realized that she was wrong. it was the first time she'd seen pain on his face that she caused. Tears leap to her eyes at the memory. She kept on hurting him even if she herself had not been aware of it. He said that he forgave her but still. How could he forgive such a thing in anyone let alone his own partner?  She pushed back and looked at him more then a little frighten as she tried to remember what happened with that ball of fire and why they'd woken up with this sliver renamon who later showed them where she found them near a burned out crater.

Renamon left heading for home and Susan finally had Eric to herself for a time. "Eric ?" "yes Susan?" Susan hesitated. She wanted to ask but at the same time she was afraid to. There was something she needed to know first and it was more important then anything else. " do you truly forgive me for... for using you like that?" Eric paused then nodded. "Yes I forgive you."

She hugged him sobbing and he continued. "I can understand you being frightened but you don't have to be. Just talk to me I'll be here for you" "Even if I were to well use you again?" "Even if you were to do so though I would hope that next time you'd just ask me" "ask you mean?" Eric chuckled "of Susan what kind of monster do you think I am?" "well you see it's just that well..."she was having a hard time with this and she had not even asked yet. Did he still consider her a possible lover?  "It's true that I had not been ready and that did bother me but I wasn't going to hurt you for it." "still I had no right to do that"  "well  I'm not going to disagree with you there but if you find some one attractive you can always let them know you know." "and next time Eric?" "next time we'll be alright. Both of us will be ready" Susan nodded. She could wait it was the least she could do after what she'd started. Still it felt as if something was wrong. As if something was missing somewhere somehow.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


getter closer to the end ( i hope)  the tension is mounting and soon someone is going to snap. ( i haven't figured out who yet or how to spark it but i'm working on it.)  in the next chapter i hope to give more of an insight into who is trying to spy on the Eric & Susan and and more developing of the silver Renamon.

I don't know why I'm so fucking cold?
I don't know why it hurts me.
All I wanna do is get with you.
And make the pain go away.
Why do I have a conscience?
All it does is fuck with me.
Why do I have this torment?
All I want to do is fuck it away.

Eric felt a presence as with him. he couldn't see anyone but his extra sensory perception was bugging him. decided to take a restroom break and see if he could sort things out in his head. As he looked around entering the rest room the only other occupant left leaving him alone. Despite knowing he was alone he could not help but feel wait what was that? Out the corner of his eye he saw what looked like someone standing in the shadows. He turned and...

Eric sighed and he looked in the mirror. He was looking at a stranger. The face in the mirror was his but at the same time it was not. What had happed? He had a good job, and was still in the upper 5% of his class, (he wasn't number 2 anymore but he could live with that) and he even had a girl that was madly in love with him. (Not that she'd felt comfortable even trying to show it recently)   Well it's true that she wasn't human but that didn't matter. It was also true that she didn't give him a choice when she first decided on him. He had not even known what she'd done it the truth be told. she used you in your sleep a voice whispered in his mind. "but she didn't know it'd hurt me" then why didn't she tell you when it happened? "she was afraid to." rape. That's what it was not matter how you rationalize it "maybe so but she's sorry. she did it. " then why did she keep doing it? "it's in the past. Let it go"   Is that it? You hurt be but since it's over you're forgiven? "Look she has needs too.  Maybe if I'd been more attentive to her then she would not have felt the need to go that far." Gods man what's wrong with you? You're blaming your self just like you did with Jessica "she has nothing to do with this. " oh sure you say that now but I bet you still think that's your fault too "leave me alone" The sharp pain of fist hitting stone brings Eric back to reality.

Eric sighed and looked at his hand. His knuckles were bleeding and there was some grey dust on his hand. He brushed the dust off and ran his hand under some cold water. "I'm losing it" he said to no one in particular since the restroom was empty and the dried his hands tried not to notice the crack in the wall where he had struck. It was time for him to return to his shift when it was over then he could go home again. Not to the home that they were monitoring but to his true home in the digital world. How long would this continue he wondered as he worked his job like a machine on autopilot as he did his best to put the conversation out of his mind.

As he walked to the house he felt them. He could feel there eyes on him as he trued every corner, crossed every street. It was getting hard to pretend they didn't exist when he knew all to well they did. He wasn't sure who was watching him or why merely that they were. He reached his home and even as he touched the door he felt the intuition into his home. They'd been here again but at least Susan was safe home in the digital world.  He walked through the house destroying the cameras that had been placed throughout he home while he was gone. This was getting trying but the only other option was to flee completely and he was not ready to do that. Not while he was so close to graduating form his school. This was not the orphanage where the degree he received would be all but worthless. This was a place with a good reputation and once he got his degree he would not be missed. This was for Susan as well as it would make him a beret more marketable employee and allow him to get a home somewhere other then this crowed and expensive city. Perhaps a nice country setting like there place in the digital world. Yes that would make her happy.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey