Deathtrap Dungeon; Freedom is Slavery! (OOC; Closed)

Started by Mechanisto, March 20, 2010, 03:14:18 PM

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How do we want to do OOC comments?

let's use OOC brackets; it's more precise!
2 (25%)
Let's pick a color to use for all OOC text; it's less cumbersome!
5 (62.5%)
I have a better idea... see my post in the OOC thread.
1 (12.5%)

Total Members Voted: 7




Quote from: techmaster-glitch on May 12, 2010, 02:39:10 PM
Once again, I swear your avatar is sentient.
Weird... I got that one too... Creepy...

Anyway, why not just call it coarse sand then? Actual dirt is made up of organic matter and super-fine sand (Aka broken up rock.) anyway, which may or may not also include clay. Although, in all honesty, soil doesn't "lose" its ability to host plant life. It just becomes hard and compact from disuse. Since the area is dripping wet, there's no way it can be hard, unless it IS just sand...

That also reminds me, is this mountain volcanic?


Quote from: Drayco84 on May 12, 2010, 03:49:31 PM
Anyway, why not just call it coarse sand then? Actual dirt is made up of organic matter and super-fine sand (Aka broken up rock.) anyway, which may or may not also include clay. Although, in all honesty, soil doesn't "lose" its ability to host plant life. It just becomes hard and compact from disuse. Since the area is dripping wet, there's no way it can be hard, unless it IS just sand...

RP Survival Tip: Nitpicking the GM will usually result in the GM correcting the problem in such a way that makes the situation worse for the players.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


I was trying to offer a valid, plausible solution! I wasn't trying to nitpick at all! I assure you, annoying the utmost CRAP out of people is one of my few, infallible, God-given gifts and I can't turn it off! You'd think that I'd be able to make a good career out of that, but nnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

Anyway WhiteFox, just how many darts did you unload into the GM? I've never seen Mechanisto this active...

Oh yeah, RP stuff... So, to summarize, there's the following levels, which I will double-check tomorrow...
Temperate Mall-Like Area
Large Temperate Mall-Like Area
Partial Aqueducts
Fully Underwater Caverns
Sandy Sauna
Magma Area

Levels have been sorted into something that makes logical sense due to geology... I think... It's 4am, okay?


Quote from: Drayco84 on May 13, 2010, 04:17:05 AM
Anyway WhiteFox, just how many darts did you unload into the GM? I've never seen Mechanisto this active...
One; small caliber, point blank range, right in the heart. Bullet stays in the body, so there's almost no mess to clean up.

Never post when you're tired or mad. It can only lead to trouble.

You really don't have to be self depreciating, by the way. Be cool, man. It's all good.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


hey, I just realized something I'm not sure was ever addressed; the dungeon has it's portal room to access distant locations, but are there any direct physical entrances to the dungeon from the surface, and would the characters have seen it/know about it already?


Quote from: Drayco84 on May 12, 2010, 03:49:31 PM
Anyway, why not just call it coarse sand then? Actual dirt is made up of organic matter and super-fine sand (Aka broken up rock.) anyway, which may or may not also include clay. Although, in all honesty, soil doesn't "lose" its ability to host plant life. It just becomes hard and compact from disuse. Since the area is dripping wet, there's no way it can be hard, unless it IS just sand...

That also reminds me, is this mountain volcanic?

Seriously, guys. Trust me on this one. It was just a poor choice of adjective.

Talk about one question leading into another. The existence of magma does suggest volcanic activity. But how do you know this is in a mountain? It could be miles underground.

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on May 13, 2010, 12:02:13 PM
hey, I just realized something I'm not sure was ever addressed; the dungeon has it's portal room to access distant locations, but are there any direct physical entrances to the dungeon from the surface, and would the characters have seen it/know about it already?

I believe this was mentioned, if briefly. There are no known physical connections to the surface. It would be very unusual for a underground complex to be accessible only via a magical portal that is difficult and expensive to maintain... but for the moment this is the case. Even stranger, though, is that teleportation, scrying, and communication spells cannot reach into or out of the facility. So far.


Quote from: Mechanisto on May 13, 2010, 01:15:09 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on May 13, 2010, 12:02:13 PM
hey, I just realized something I'm not sure was ever addressed; the dungeon has it's portal room to access distant locations, but are there any direct physical entrances to the dungeon from the surface, and would the characters have seen it/know about it already?

I believe this was mentioned, if briefly. There are no known physical connections to the surface. It would be very unusual for a underground complex to be accessible only via a magical portal that is difficult and expensive to maintain... but for the moment this is the case. Even stranger, though, is that teleportation, scrying, and communication spells cannot reach into or out of the facility. So far.
Oh dear. That throws a wrench or two into some issues o_0


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on May 13, 2010, 01:19:18 PM
Quote from: Mechanisto on May 13, 2010, 01:15:09 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on May 13, 2010, 12:02:13 PM
hey, I just realized something I'm not sure was ever addressed; the dungeon has it's portal room to access distant locations, but are there any direct physical entrances to the dungeon from the surface, and would the characters have seen it/know about it already?

I believe this was mentioned, if briefly. There are no known physical connections to the surface. It would be very unusual for a underground complex to be accessible only via a magical portal that is difficult and expensive to maintain... but for the moment this is the case. Even stranger, though, is that teleportation, scrying, and communication spells cannot reach into or out of the facility. So far.
Oh dear. That throws a wrench or two into some issues o_0

One thing Xephelon would almost certainly know; the Portal Chamber itself exists to make these spells possible, by creating a sympathetic connection between two places (the destination is usually another chamber, which forms a sort of network). Anyone with access to the portal chamber could use teleportation, scrying, and communication magic normally. In fact the "distance" from the chamber to it's destination is effectively zero, for spellcasting purposes; you could reach the other side even with a basic, short-range teleport spell.

The big sparkly portals are really just a nice bonus for people who don't know teleportation spells. Even if all the portals broke, teleport magic would still work there. If the entire chamber suffered cataclysmic damage, you might be in trouble... but the chamber is physically, magically, and ontologically reinforced.

It is very much like owning a satellite cellphone, instead of having to rely upon a hard line. If the cellphone gets busted, no biggie. If the satellite gets busted, you have bigger problems.


Not really what I was thinking of, but that is very useful information... *incorporates a few snippets into post*


That's what you get for throwing wrenches all over.

Honestly... they're for fixing things. Not throwing. :rolleyes


Quote from: Mechanisto on May 13, 2010, 01:15:09 PM
I believe this was mentioned, if briefly. There are no known physical connections to the surface. It would be very unusual for a underground complex to be accessible only via a magical portal that is difficult and expensive to maintain... but for the moment this is the case. Even stranger, though, is that teleportation, scrying, and communication spells cannot reach into or out of the facility. So far.
Huh... Well, this brings up a much more important key to survival...

AIR! Or rather, the lack thereof... Unless that portal is exchanging gases somewhere, which means that at least one of them is always open and connected somewhere... (And transferring air to boot!) Plus, little to no plant life on the inside of the dungeon, so that shoots mundane means of maintaining O2 levels...

Quote from: WhiteFox on May 13, 2010, 08:19:34 AM
Never post when you're tired or mad. It can only lead to trouble.
I'm trying! I've the "Don't post when mad." part down, but the "Don't post when tired." is a little more tricky...


If you can get through portal, and food can, inanimate matter can.
therefore just by brownian motion, air is going to pass through the portal and back.
I do not know however whether convection currents work properly
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Quote from: Drayco84 on May 13, 2010, 04:57:45 PM
AIR! Or rather, the lack thereof... Unless that portal is exchanging gases somewhere, which means that at least one of them is always open and connected somewhere... (And transferring air to boot!) Plus, little to no plant life on the inside of the dungeon, so that shoots mundane means of maintaining O2 levels...
[horriblyobscurereference]Ah, that's okay, I'll just teleport down some Rock Raiders and tell them to build a few Support Stations...I'm sure those crystals in the cave can substitue Energy Crystals.... [/horriblyobscurereference]


Quote from: danman on May 13, 2010, 05:03:58 PM
If you can get through portal, and food can, inanimate matter can.
therefore just by brownian motion, air is going to pass through the portal and back.
I do not know however whether convection currents work properly
If the portals work anything like a Stargate, then they DON'T let air pass through [edit]unless it's in a container, like a ship.[/edit]. Case in point...

In terms of logic, it would make sense as the amount of energy required to continually transfer air would be [edit] large as one would be physically connecting two different points of space and that connection would need to be maintained.[/edit] But, this is subjective, and totally the GM's call as to how the magic/tech works.

LEGOs are ALWAYS awesome, but it just doesn't fit the theme...


Hmm, the way i understand portals, they are a bridging , like a rip through a u-pipe, so you require energy to make them , but not to use them..
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Quote from: danman on May 13, 2010, 05:53:10 PM
Hmm, the way i understand portals, they are a bridging , like a rip through a u-pipe, so you require energy to make them , but not to use them..
As drayco says, depends on the portal in question as determined by the author :P


You know... I think we're in a pocket dimension of some sort. Or an astral plane that's been "structured."

Thats why I had Thessaly check the water for microbiology... If the place were sterile, it would support that theory.

Whatever the case, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.

Quote from: Drayco84 on May 13, 2010, 04:57:45 PM
Huh... Well, this brings up a much more important key to survival...


Well, you guys have to worry about air.

well, we have a big waterworks. Set up a hydroelectric generator, and use electrolysis generate oxygen. Vent the hydrogen into the magma area, and it'll get burned off as it's generated (that might consume oxygen tho. I'm not a chemist, so I don't really know).

Or we could keep the hydrogen and use it for something... fun.

Alternatively, I could kill you all and raise your corpses. Then no one would have to worry about food or oxygen. We have application forms available, and very generous un-health benefits and "severance" packages. Ask about our Embalming-While-U-Rot services.

FWIW, I was under the impression that the portals worked like a Holtzman Drive. Nadihya did mention a limit on the portals transit capacity, so just shipping in the air might get prohibitive. I'm sure we can get some plants to supplement or cover our oxygen needs.

Edit: Regarding Post #173

Looking to prove yourself, hmm? Some one's taking a page from my book.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


Approved by the GM, so cower in fear! >:D

Name:  Barbarus Hagoo
Player: Meany
Race: Were
Species: Feline
Creature Rating: CR 5 Solitary

  • Default: Roughly five feet tall, built in equal measure for power and speed.  Fur colored a reddish brown color.  Straight black hair, covers the head, where it is allowed to grow to just past the shoulders and no more; it is also present as a similarly straight tuft at the end of a narrow tail.  Signs of advancing age are present; obvious wrinkles in the flesh of the face, an abundance of gray in the body fur and hair, and a muted look to the dark brown eyes.
  • Human: A red skinned man, five feet tall or slightly more; built well for his age.  Oddly long black hair with a fair bit of gray at the temples.  A sharp, angled face with rather bird-like features, sporting obvious wrinkles around the eyes and mouth.
  • Primal: A big 'domestic cat'.  About the size of an ocelot, with a more muscular build to it, and a rather lion-like semi-mane and tail tuft of shiny black hair.  An odd ring of black exists around the feline's eyes and mouth, hinting at the color of skin beneath the reddish fur.  Multiple scars are present, mostly along the back appearing to be lash-marks, while some burn-like ones appear on the flanks, both fore and back; some even reaching completely around the limbs.
  • Clothing (Default and Human forms applicable only): A simple button-up shirt, off-white in color, tucked neatly into black slacks.  Sturdy black leather belt, and shoes.  A red vest sporting brass buttons; topped off with a black frock coat.
  • Personality:  Barbarus is a dedicated individual.  When he is assigned a task, he does it, and barring the occasional slip-up, will not ask for assistance or second-chances.  He is tough, shrugging off all but the most devastating of setbacks in either his own machinations or his employer's; even deaths of close friends.  Barbarus displays a rather Darwinist view, and adheres to it.  He is evil by profession, not choice; and while he will do any number of unspeakable things, he will not enjoy them but will not hesitate to order them if necessary.  On the flip side, he can be remarkably amiable, outside a professional setting; joking, partaking in frivolity, and being tactfully polite.  Despite being civil, and reasonably intelligent; Barbarus is still a territorial Were, and he will defend what is his; violently if needed.

Responsabilities: Spymaster.

Backstory: The particulars of Barbarus' birth and youth have been lost to time, or rather lost to a combination of the reclusive nature of Weres and several 'accidental' fires which destroyed relevant documents.  His professional career started off as an Area Guard of a dungeon mandated to the protection of a particularly powerful Vampire.  His employment thus quickly ended when his employer was crushed by a dragon.  He was quickly re-employed again as an Area Guard of the same dungeon but under new management.  His history lulls at this point as Barbarus refined both his magical and combative powers, and was promoted to Gatemaster of the dungeon.  Finally his employment at the dungeon was terminated completely after he repeatedly argued with his superiors over the more than lackluster maintenance of the various gates and fortifications.  Barbarus' history again lags here, but only for a bit; as he quickly resurfaced as a Mercenary; earning a large sum of money by exploiting his race's tendency to be mistaken for Beings to successfully carry out assassinations or other acts of espionage.  
He soon retired to the countryside, living off his savings and the fruits of wise investments.  However, instead of gradually wasting away with old age as he had planned, he was slapped by a slew of wrongful-death suits by the relatives of his various victims that had the courage to actually track him down.  After settling the cases out of court, Barbarus found he no longer had the capital to enjoy retirement as he'd hoped; and sought out work once again.

Attributes: As Weres go, Barbarus is surprisingly outgoing, far from the isolationist view of others of his kind, he will often seek out social interaction, even from Races Weres typically dislike or outright hate.  For his age, Barbarus is surprisingly strong and fast; easily more so than a Being of the same age group.  He is intelligent, but not a genius; outside of random instances.  By dint of his feline nature, even in his old age, Barbarus is very flexible and agile, with an uncanny ability to land on his feet; also he can balance remarkably well, and react quickly to surprising situations.  He is a tenacious thing; rarely abandoning a project or assignment if only out of stubbornness.  His raw magical power, while somewhat dimmed by his advancing age, is still on par with most other Creatures, if lacking in similar control.  For more on Weres see here.

In human form, Barbarus is completely immune to magic; while in his primal form, he can spit out an array of powerful spells simply not possible in his default form.  He can shapeshift between each of his three forms effortlessly, while doing so too often will make him 'dizzy.'  Physically, Barbarus is as strong and fast as an athletic male ten years younger than himself.  He is a minor celebrity as far as Weres go, as he is one of the few actively evil Were to have such a long or successful career. While not as wealthy as he formally was, he is not poor; low to mid middle class.  He has some serious skill with magic, though his lack of absolute control precludes teaching it. Barbarus is tough, he can take pain and lots of it while still dishing out some of his own, however this power has been significantly weakened by his old age.  He is experienced, both in the work force, as well as life in general.

Flaws: First and foremost, Barbarus is old, pushing his sixties; he is past his prime and his current skill-set reflects this.  His age also has weakened him physically through rheumatism and arthritis; which will flare up if he remains active too long.  His biological weaknesses (see link above) are also a major flaw, as he is unable to take as much punishment as other Creatures.  Barbarus is territorial, and stubborn; this leads him to sometimes do stupid things to protect what is his, and either repeat them or refuse to make amends for them because of this.  He isn't evil by nature, only by profession, and will simply not consider the 'evil thing to do' when not on the clock.  He is a social Darwinist, in part due to a long career of working alongside Demons, and will sometimes allow evil, or even rudeness to happen around him without attempting to stop it if he feels it is justified.  He is and has been for some time addicted to caffeinated beverages, specifically soda; and a good amount of his income goes to medical treatments to stave off diabetes, which he is dangerously close to.  Despite being a potent magic user, Barbarus does not have absolute control over his magic abilities, and due to his near-constant exposure to the Dark magicks of Demons and the like, the parts of it he cannot control has become, apparently, a semi-sentient evil force, attempting to overwhelm Barbarus and take possession of his body; this means anytime he uses magic, he has to wage a battle of wills against his own power to get it to comply with his will.  In the vast majority of instances, he is victorious, but the evil force will occasionally produce a unforeseen side-effect out of spite, either to himself, the people in the general vicinity, or the subject of the spell; and there is the fact that as Barbarus grows older, his ability to fight his internal evil and win gradually diminishes.  

Master Mage: Barbarus, through going on fifty years of practice, has some pretty serious skill with magic.  While his control may not be at Master level, and his skills are obviously diminished from their peak, he is still a force to be reckoned with, especially when he chooses his Primal form.  His listed area of expertise is magic relating to the force of Change, with a minor degree in the force Destruction.  His lack of control makes spells relating to the force of Creation obscenely difficult, and he prefers to function as a magical battery while another mage works the spell when Create-based magicks are needed.
Dungeon experience: He has been previously employed in various dungeons, usually as an Area Guard or First Responder, thus he has some experience with Adventurers, and some minor administrative duties.
Businessman: He has some experience in Business, from his time as a mercenary, and can spot a good or bad deal; as well as do his own taxes.
Evil:  When the job requires it, he can be evil, enough to have some confusion arise from previous co-workers that he doesn't make evil his lifestyle.  His personal favorite form of evil is psychological, which he admires but has only moderate skill in.
Self disciplined: He can control himself, outside certain instances like his addiction or perceived territory, remarkably well.  He can take pain, and refrain from commenting on sensitive subjects, again outside of certain instances; such as foot-in-mouth syndrome, or teeth-knocked-in syndrome.

[[Note: Altered from version supplied via PM in the form of typo fixing and some snippage in the backstory department, also altered in skills, flaws, and powers departments.  Responsibilities added!  If this isn't able to fly, please tell me so.]]


Quote from: danman on May 13, 2010, 05:03:58 PM
If you can get through portal, and food can, inanimate matter can.
therefore just by brownian motion, air is going to pass through the portal and back.
I do not know however whether convection currents work properly

This is indeed an important issue. To settle things:

A portal's "bandwidth" is the amount of combined mass and energy it can transport in a day. More mass means more upkeep cost. Fun fact; this is why frozen food is easier to teleport!

A portal's "fidelity" is the quality of mass it can transport safely. Portals that only transport inorganic mass are waaay more cost effective than those that can also transport organic (but dead) matter. Even more expensive are portals that can safely transport sentient, living things.

The final upkeep cost is it's bandwidth multiplied by, oh... say the cube of it's fidelity. Thus, these portals can be used to transport air and food... but it would be like buying first-class luxury tickets to transport three crates of baked beans or ramen noodles.


GM approved... >:3

Name: Baseel (pronounced Bah Seel)  Wolkshammer, AKA Bas, The Basilisk
Race: Demon
Gender: Male
Species: Demon Canine, German Shepherd
Family and Associations: (Father) Leofric, (Mother) Katia, (Brothers) Chimare, Ragnar, Alaric, (Sisters) Claire, Chariece, Elyaina

Creature Rating: 4, Rivals

Height: 6'4" without horns, 7'4" with
Weight: 230 Lbs
Physical Description: At 828 years Bas has been around for quite some time, and yet, none of his age comes through in his appearance.  Tall, and thin, yet well muscled, one would find him to be the poster child of the demon race, at least in appearance.  He Looks to be in his mid 20's by being standards.

Across his back, starting at the top of his head, and running all the way down his back is a near jet black fur across his front is a silver tinged with a hint of brown, running across his face, down his throat and down his body, and ending in pure silver extremities.  He has full black patches around his eyes, giving him an almost raccoon mask coloring. His muzzle is also mostly black, with brown around the corners of his mouth, and a silver ring right as his snout begins to broaden.  A black diamond shape sits at the center of his head and goes from between his eyebrows to the crown of his head.  Half the diamond is hidden by Bas's hair.

His cephalic hair is a reddish blond, and is worn in long cables, tied together with silver rings.  In combat, they seem to flail about as if snakes on a Medusa's head.  At the ends of the cables, various religious icons are tied.  If you ask Bas about them, he'll tell you quite bluntly that they're trinkets of the souls of those whom have wronged him to the point of deserving a fate worse than death.

Bas sports a rather impressive pair of horns that sprout just behind his eyes, they curve up and around, facing slightly forward at the tips.

His wings match his fur patterns quite nicely, dark at the top, moving to brown about the shoulders, then silver at center mass down. though the bottom wings are rimmed in black as well.  His wingspan is 18 feet at maximum, and given his musculature, he seems capable of flight.

For clothing he usually wears a dark, forest green tunic, with a black undershirt with gold chords for trim and matching pants.

History: The Wolkshammer family is a bit of mystery, wrapped in a puzzle, encased  in an enigma. What is known is that they're very firm believers in keeping the demon lineage pure, and they also seem to breed some of the most clever and racial stereotype-defying members of the demon families.  Bas fits this mold quite nicely.  He doesn't actively engage in random violence, and doesn't believe wholesale slaughter is the end all be all of amusement of the more powerful.  That isn't to say he isn't brutal when he fights, nor does he avoid combat.  He merely doesn't pray on the innocent, instead his mere presence usually stirs up a couple of adventurers  stupid enough to try and 'slay a horrible creature'.

He's the 3rd son of Duke Leofric Wolkshammer, his 2 older brothers are Chimare and Ragnar, he gets along with the as most young siblings do, they bicker constantly, and yet still love each other.  As the 3rd in line for the dukedom, Bas never had to worry about trying to build family alliances,, and his father was much more relaxed about what the demon got himself into, and who he was interested in, though Leo did 'gently nudge' young Bas towards demonesses.

Personality wise, Bas is unpredictable, yet friendly.  Despite his intimidating appearance, he gives off a very likable aura, something rare for a demon.  He is friendly with many, but friends with few.  Those who Bas does truly befriend, he would be willing to do almost anything for.  Very loyal, and proud, Bas also feels that honesty and trustworthiness are key, as one's reputation is all one has when they live for millennia.

Combat Abilities:  As with most demons he can harden his skin as if it were armor and grow fingers into long, dagger like claws.  He's used these skills most of his life, and they only add to his fighting prowess.  Preferably, Bas likes to fight with shadow magic, and will cast spells ranging from consuming or shrouding the light in an area, to forming exploding bolts of dark energy.  Other spells of note are shadowy chains, with which Bas will use similar to Cubi wings, and his ability to create a beast, a "Shadow Fiend" as he describes it.  Which is more like a 2nd, magic-less demon, than anything else... The fiend is feral, and, although accepts basic commands form Bas, it has very little power for thought in and of itself.

Death Bolt (bread and butter combat attack spell): a basic spell comprised of pure dark energy, it's explosive power is based on how much energy the caster puts into the spell.  The bolt is a thin, glossy-black, arrow-like projectile that is cast towards a target with great speed, rough estimates put the bolt's speed around 300 FPS (feet per second).  On impact with a solid surface (either an opponent, or a wall) the magic is explosively released, expanding in all directions with great physical force.  If given enough time, and focus Bas can have the bolt explode inside a victim, making the already dangerous spell even more deadly.

He can summon but 2 physical items, and they are normally stored at his family's castle.  A massive 4 foot diameter metal rimmed wooded shield (heavily enchanted to increase it's durability... not unbreakable, but close) with a metal boss, and a double edged battle axe which he has named Reaper.  Reaper is enchanted, much like the shield for enhanced durability, capped at both ends, the bottom grip of the shaft with metal spikes, and the massive axe-head at the top.  Long, hook like protrusions form the edges of the axe head allowing it to be used to grab as well as slash an opponent.

Trivia: Bas is known to enter and exit relationships at whimsy, currently single, he seems to be quite flirtatious, though usually not serious.

His horns are massive, yet he constantly seems to ignore the fact that they're there.  He's grown soo used to being a demon that he tends to forget the general social stigma of his race.

His Axe and shield were a gift given to him on his 16th birthday, and he has killed more sentients with the shield than the axe... though both pale in comparison to his body count from magic.

His title, "The Basilisk" comes from his use of flesh to stone... although it isn't common knowledge, Bas's particular brand of the spell hides the magic residue from soul-stealing and devouring. - For visual reference of Baseel, or The Basilisk

Also: Position serving: Field Marshall (military commander)

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Man, two jobless and somewhat-amoral "combat" characters at once, what are the odds? :U


I see how this will progress - They start a fight, Zyrais will collect bets, Xephelon will correctly predict winner and get cash, Dee will sting her owner for having to use her as natural pay,Kittrick will be disgusted, Glup will collect their brains for resale, Nalthazar will reanimate them as his minions, all while Nadihya watches the scene to intervene later
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Sadly, that seems completely plausible to me.

However, this raises an issue which I think should be addressed before Bas and I dive-bomb into the IC thread, namely the difference between dark and shadow magicks.  Is it an apples and oranges thing, or a chiles and peppers thing? 


I've always thought it was more of a jalapeno/habanero thing... One's just more 'potent' than the other. Anyway, that's just my view on it.

And I'm in the middle of an IC post...


Quote from: Meany on May 13, 2010, 09:25:44 PM
Sadly, that seems completely plausible to me.

However, this raises an issue which I think should be addressed before Bas and I dive-bomb into the IC thread, namely the difference between dark and shadow magicks.  Is it an apples and oranges thing, or a chiles and peppers thing? 

The only thing that really matters is the character's actual abilities. One of the requirements for a new character is that you must have a solid grasp of what they can and cannot do, and how they do it. In this case, "Dark" and "Shadow" magic seem to mean the same thing; the conjuring and controlling of shadowy forces and apparitions.

In another sense, "Dark" magic could also be taken to mean "evil" or "black" magic; such as all spells involving curses, destruction and corruption. That would be a very broad category of magic (indeed, one third of all spells in existence), but I think in this case, you both meant "Shadow" magic.


Mech: So...  in short, you define your own powers and call them whatever you want to.

(I was very particular when I defined Nethalzar as a necromancer. It hasn't come up much in game so far, however.)

danman: I love how you seem to know just what my character would do in a given situation. It makes the actual roleplaying far more satisfying when I don't do what you expected.

...You really don't give Nethalzar enough credit. :mwaha

techmaster: I'm pretty sure we're all jobless at this point.

Basilisk: Oh my Buddah... this just turned into one very interesting RP, for all kinds of reasons.

Quote from: Drayco84 on May 13, 2010, 11:09:25 PM
   "Yeah, but I may need the mana to kill other creatures..." Zyrais replied. "Especially that chuul... Or the necromancer... Aw, hell... Chuul first, then the necromancer, but only if he starts going on about how great being undead is... "
Eh-heh... This is going to get educational, I can tell.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


Whitefox: Bingo.

Nethalzar's description works perfectly because everyone knows what a Necromancer does. It's very clear cut. :)


Ah, thank you lot for helping to make it clearer.  :)

However, I did intend for Barbarus' magic to be 'evil' in a sense; Dark being a semi-sentient force that actively eats away at the user over time if they aren't strong enough to keep it back.  Meh, a minor detail.  On to the intro-developing!

*typity, typity*


Quote from: WhiteFox on May 13, 2010, 07:38:51 PM
Well, we have a big waterworks. Set up a hydroelectric generator, and use electrolysis generate oxygen. Vent the hydrogen into the magma area, and it'll get burned off as it's generated (that might consume oxygen tho. I'm not a chemist, so I don't really know).

Or we could keep the hydrogen and use it for something... fun.

Alternatively, I could kill you all and raise your corpses. Then no one would have to worry about food or oxygen. We have application forms available, and very generous un-health benefits and "severance" packages. Ask about our Embalming-While-U-Rot services.
Venting the hydrogen into the magma area would cause it to fuse with the oxygen in the air to become water vapor again, with a literal bang. Remember the Hindenburg, anyone? That's why it blew up. Large amounts of hydrogen gas in presence of oxygen plus spark equals KA-BOOM! In small quantities, though, It makes a nice-sized POP sound. (College chemistry for the win. Yeah, they don't let ya play with that kind of stuff in high school anymore... Bit of a shame, really... But, I can begrudgingly see the school's standpoint on it...)

For the really fun explosions, though, you'd need deuterium, aka "Heavy Water", which I doubt anyone has the equipment to test for an extra neutron on a single water molecule, much less huge masses of them.