Brotherhood of the Machine (IC Thread) [PG/14] {03}

Started by Lisky, February 21, 2009, 05:33:51 PM

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Morgan smiled nervously, "yes, I did kind of do that... it deflected all of it except this one which managed to go through and lodge itself in my side.  Sadly this suit does not seem much different then this other one.  Do you have anything heavier?  Any areas with significant bone formation, like my chest, is titanium laced and the whole of my skin has a subdermal, orthosynthetic ballistic mesh so light armor is reinforced by my cybernetics... but that does not help soft areas very much."

The lad poked around the quartermaster's stock area as he spoke, hoping for a possible overlooked gem.

"The ammo is fine though.  I have a lot of specialty rounds already, I just need standard 15.2 mm APFSDS.  However, if you can find me a Nerem ATW-20 that chambers the massive 20 x 83.5 mm round, then I will be your friend for life!  If you have one of those, I will give you my Plasma repeater and let you reverse engineer my ion pistols."  
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Ryudo Lee

The Quartermaster shoo'd Morgan out of his stock area.
"You want something heavier, crawl inside Exo.  If you live, come back and tell me about it.  Otherwise, you'll have to make do with what I give you.  As for the Nerem... that will take time to acquire.  In the meantime, how many of the standard rounds do you want?  We've got those like they've gone out of style." He says.
He turns to Fet.
"Standard plasma rifle it is.  Are you trained in firearms, son?" He asks.

Back in the briefing room, Armstrong slaps Jexx on his shoulder.
"Jexx, wake up and go join the rest of your group at the armory." He says.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


   Jexx almost jumped out of his chair with a "GEH?!?" as he was abruptly woken up. His handcannons were raised, but as his eyes darted around, he remembered where he was, and lowered them.
  He turned to Armstrong. "Oh, uh...I don't really need anything from the armory, got all I need here." Jexx said, holding up his handcanons. "Although, I could probably use some food...where do you keep your freeze-dried again?" Jexx was actually more talking to himself at this point, as he had turned away and strated to wander off.

  A medic from the base's sickbay came up alongside Armstrong. "I don't think the armory is the best place for him right now, sir." The guy said as he continued forward and headed for Jexx. He was holding something behind his back.
  "Hello...Jexx, is it?" The man said from behind Jexx.
  Jexx slowly turned. "Yeah, whad'ya want?"
  "Those looks like some nasty burns you have there...would you mind coming with me to the medical ward so I can take a look at them?" The medic said in a calm, persuasive voice.
  "Nah, they'll heal themselves, they always do. Go away." Jexx turned to leave.
  "Ohh, but I insist..." The medic said, gently (but firmly) placing an arm around Jexx and pulling him closer, being careful not to touch any of Jexx's existing burns. As he did so, he pressed the thing he was holding against Jexx's neck with the arm he had around him.
  Jexx wasn't very amused. "Hey, what'r ya doin'? Get off me! ...what's that?"
  "Oh, just an injector. Now listen here, Jexx, you have two choices. One, you can come with me now so I can at least put some salve on those burns, maybe even give you a vaccination or two, you could probably use some. Or, I can inject you with this sedative, which is some powerful stuff and will knock you out for the next few days, and I work on you anyway. And, you'll miss the mission everyone else is going on. Which means no fighting Brotherhood for you. So, what will it be?"
  Jexx considered. Breifly. This man was with the rebellion, so Jexx figured everyone would be mad with him if he fried this guy. And he didn't want to miss whatever mission everyone was going on.
  Slowly, Jexx expression turned to a very ugly glare as his shoulders drooped and he stopped resisting.
  "I knew you'd see it my way!" The medic said jovially as he steered Jexx out of the room while still holding the injector to him. The medic was really bluffing; there wasn't any sedative, but he guessed that Jexx wouldn't call it and jeapordize his chances to go after the Brotherhood. As they passed Armstrong, the medic mouthed his way, "I read his profile."


Morgan fished around in his pocket and produced a cred chit, "if it will help your searches and acquiring, I can provide 500,000 credits.  It is all the petty cash I have on hand at the moment."

The "fox" twirled out of the way of the QM as he was shoo'd out of the stock area, he abruptly stopped twirling and grasped his side, "ouch, lousy injuries preventing me from being twirly.  Hmmm, okay ammo... I guess as much as you think you can spare.  I would venture a guess of about four field cases for a crew served support weapon.  Oh and a few extended clips for the same caliber light machine gun.  I will need to modify them slightly to work."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Dorcan looked away as Morgan apparently tried to bribe the quartermaster.  Holy shit.  Did he just do what I think he did?

"How much is a credit worth, anyway?" he asked Darkshine furtively.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Corgatha Taldorthar

This time Fetrethar turned up and glanced at the quartermaster, his grey eyes seeming dead. He chanted out, recalling his first field operation. "I will suffice."
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Darkshine posted up against a wall in the background, he just wanted to get his new toys and get going.  He felt completely exposed without his armor, and despite the seemingly friendly demeanor of everyone around him, the feline just didn't trust everyone yet.

He was just starting to zone out when Dorcan posed his question, "um, it really depends on what your buying... 500,000 is not an inconsequential sum, The banshee for example would cost several million new. 500,000 could buy a rather decent suit of armor, not unlike my own, or of a completely different design... That brotherhood officer i took out, it was a 1 night job, and i was payed 20,000 for it... but, the actual value of a credit changes from place to place in terms of buying power.  In many places a credit will buy you a loaf of bred or several ration bars... so it's rather difficult to place an exact value on a credit because of it's flexible buying power"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Ryudo Lee

The Quartermaster looked at the credit chit.
"Jackson handles all money issues.  I ain't no cashier.  Go see the man if you wanna make a donation." He says.
Once satisfied that he had taken everyone's orders, the Quartermaster turned to go through his stock.
"Are you all still here?  It's gonna take time to get all this together.  I'll have it sent to your trucks.  Shouldn't take more than an hour or so.  Get outta here, unless you want something else." He says.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


"Fair enough," Dorcan said, as much to the Quartermaster as to Darkshine.  I'll have to get some kind of economics 101 book as well at some point...

He drifted out of the room and waited for the others to follow suit.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Darkshine started to follow Dorcan, then thought it better to go take care of a few things before they left.  He walked up to the Quartermaster, asked for directions, then headed out for the vehicle bay.  Once there he started running diagnostics on both the Banshee itself and his armor.

Once the programs were running tests, the feline opened a locker, pulled the carbine out, and began cleaning the weapon.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


"Er, well... Jackson... aye.  It is less of a donation and more of a way to get something for myself.  I was hoping to skip going through my contacts.  Thanks for the effort though."

Morgan followed after the others, ready to move on, though he really would much rather grab a bite to eat, a shower, and a nap.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Ryudo Lee

The crew in the motor pool had received most of the supplies from the Quartermaster, but it seemed that there was a delay in getting some of the rest of it.  While they waited on the equipment, they started looking at the mangled mess of the Brotherhood prison vehicle.
"You think Exo could've made a bigger mess with this thing?" One asked.
"Well, at least we won't be low on scrap any time soon." Another remarked.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Dorcan watched as the others went off to amuse themselves while the vehicles were prepared.  It was going to be a long trip, so he went to look for an nearby libraries or bookshops.  Primers on history, economics and technologies such as computing and electronics would be useful to read en route if he could find any in time.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Chance's boots clapped against the sidewalk as she briskly strode in front of the shops and through the people going about their various missions in life. Her mission was a bit more personal and most likely a lot more deadly; to bring down The Brotherhood and hopefully find her parents, or at least avenge them. To do that she needed to join the rebels, she was given some information to look around this area and a description of some who might be members. Everything was pretty hush for obvious reasons, and nothing in concreate, but she had to go with what info she had.

She passed a book store as she accidentally bumped into a a dark figure. She quickly turned and shot out "Hey! Watch it." But she swore she caught the quickest of glimpses of a muzzle when the hood opened slightly. Could this be one of the members?

"Oh, I.. er... I'm sorry sir.." She tried to decide the best way of going about this touchy subject. She would have to be careful; she couldn't trust him too much without knowing for sure who he was.. and she was sure that he wouldn't trust her worth anything. Granted some luck was on her side given that most likely members of the Brotherhood were male.. but that could always just be a figure of speech. "Could I ask you something somewhere more.. private?" Chance hoisted her lazer riffle a bit higher on her back, re-adjusting the holding strap more comfortably, hoping to hint to her purpose.


Armed with a bag containing most of the books he was after, Dorcan walked through the street, his mind on other things.  Not paying full attention, he bumped into someone, bringing a sharp cry from them.  "Sorry," he said and glanced around.
The person was a young female human.  She seemed to be staring hard at him or something behind him.  Dorcan glanced back briefly but no, it was obviously him.  Damn.

Her next remark took him by surprise.  Is she propositioning me? he wondered.
Some centuries ago there had been a brief fad at SAIA for weres and the human form and a number of students had formed some kind of fan club where they would shapeshift into an approximation of it.  Dorcan had never really been part of that fandom and wasn't entirely sure what others saw in it.

He pulled back the hood of his robe, revealing his features and headwings and looked at the woman critically.  Dammit, I haven't needed to read minds for decades and now I need to I can't.

"I'm kind of busy," he said.  "Have to get back home.  But if you have something to ask, feel free to ask me on the way.  Unless anyone's directly following either of us, no-one should hear too much.  Is that good enough for you?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Her eyes widened when she saw the headwings. Gal damn.. what the hell is he? Chance quicky regained her normal, hard, facial expression and shrugged to his suggestion. "Fine by me." She guessed his dog ears weren't just for show either, and could probably pick up sound better than any normal human so she decided to talk quietly as they walked.

"I'll just get to the point. Someone with your description is with a resistance group against those intolerant bastards and I want in. I'm sure you guys can use all the help you can get and I have a personal bone to pick with the Brotherhood." She stopped, hoping she didn't offend the guy by her off comment about a 'bone'. She shook her head and continued, figuring it didn't matter anyways. "I'm not just some kid off the street either, I have skills and can back them up. So where can I go to help with the movement?"

She really was throwing herself out on a limb here. If he just blew her off she would have to do more searching which meant more time... time that she wasn't willing to waste.


Dorcan sighed as he listened to the girl's story.  "Well," he said, glancing back as he walked, "Wandering lunatic aside, I guess you're either what you say or some kind of spy.  I can't tell which.  So this is what we can do.  Right now I'm heading back to base, so if you're serious about joining you can tag along and we'll see what happens."

He glanced back at her and stopped walking for a moment.  "But it's probably best if I carry the rifle when we approach them."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


She automatically went stiff when he asked for her rifle. That was not only her best weapon but her baby as well. She didn't like the idea one bit but regardless she unhitched it from the backstrap and handed it to him. "Fine, but I swear if anything happens to it there will be hell to pay."

Man.. I shouldn't be so gruff, especially since I'm on eggshells here. But I can't help it, I love that thing.

Chance Cleared her throat and scratched the back of her head as she made to start walking again. "So.. how far is it? Know any good jokes?"


"Thanks," Dorcan said as he took the rifle.  From her expression and body language he could tell it was a big gesture of trust even before she spoke, and he smiled slightly.
"It's not far to the compound, another ten minutes or so.  As for the weapon, you'll certain get it back if you're kosher," he told her.

"Now," he said.  "An angel, a demon and a succubus walk into a bar-"... he paused.  "Actually you probably won't get that one."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Chance blinked and looked at him, very much confused. She shook her head and looked back forward.  "Yeah, you're probably right.. but I have one that you may get." She eyed him again, not so sure but didn't know what else to do at the moment.

"Ok, so why does Peter Pan always fly?"  She paused for effect  "Because he never never lands."

All the while they walked she did keep a good eye on her rifle. No one has ever touched it besides her and she was feeling quite protective of it still. It made her uncomfortable to see it in the grasp of another. How she pined for it so.


"I've read that," Dorcan said vacantly as the book came back to him.  "Or a story like it.  Tales seem to repeat themselves in different continua, though the details are often different.  Reading it from an incubus perspective it didn't really make much sense at first, but of course... in a world like this, everyone would age and die fairly quickly and eternal childhood might be worth the price of breaking the cycle."

They were already inside the industrial estate and turning a corner he beckoned her to halt.
"Gods know the Brothers are probably all-too aware of where the base is, but I don't want to take chances.  Wait here, please.  I'll be back shortly."  In case there was some kind of tracker in the gun itself, he hid the rifle some way between her and the warehouse and then headed on to tell the rebels they had a new hopeful.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Chance nodded as he left, thinking about all he talked about. He's from a different world.. and an incubus! Why they heck would he be here. She figured it wasn't any of her business so she wouldn't think about it too much.

She folded her arms across her chest and waited, slightly impatiently, feeling even more uncomfortable not seeing her rifle.


Darkshine had finished his preperations, and locked everything up.  He grabbed an under-arm holster and slid one of his pistols into it.  Then, added a light-weight long-sleeved shirt to his civilian outfit, covering up all but the most subtle of signs of the small sidearm.  He slid a small folding knife into one of his pockets, then headed out of the motor-pool figuring he'd take a walk around the small town, possibly find a place off base to stay, and perhaps find something more practical than a light assault vehicle for his mode of transportation.

As he cleared the gate, he noticed Dorcan heading his way.  The feline gave the incubus a wave and a friendly smile.  "find anything interesting?" the leopard asked, while gesturing towards the satchel full of books.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


"Indeed," Dorcan said.  "Someone bumped into me asking how to go about joining the rebels.  I've left them down the road a bit in case they're being tracked as a decoy or something.  We need to find one of the recruitment guys and someone who can tell if they're transmitting at all."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Darkshine nodded, "perhaps one of the techs then?  either that or i could have ranger check her out, only downside is that she has to get fairly close to the vehicle to ensure she isn't using some ultra-low frequency... i dunno, maybe we should get one of the tech boys?"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


"Well, I don't know how this stuff is usually handled," Dorcan said.  "The way I see it, all we need to do is find someone higher up and inform them.  No point in making things more complicated if we can just dump it in their lap."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Darkshine nodded, "probably a good idea, not really sure who would be the best to go to for something like that... But, yea, probably the safest thing to do under current circumstance."

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Ryudo Lee

Around that time, Lt. Armstrong walked past them, on his way to inspect the new vehicle that the team had brought in.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


"Sir," Dorcan said, collaring the lieutenant as he walked past, "I found a potential recruit for the rebellion.  I wasn't sure what the procedure was so I asked her to wait a little way off.  In case she was bugged or something, I guess."

"What should...  what is the procedure for something like this?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

Lt. Armstrong patiently listens to Dorcan as he explains the situation.
"Disarm her and bring her in.  If anyone's following her, we'll handle the situation.  She'll need to be screened too." He says.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!