The ban game, v04

Started by Ren Gaulen, May 24, 2008, 06:55:30 AM

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Ren is banned by a spice over-dose


Shadowterm is banned by the fires of Summer.

Ren Gaulen


Ren is banned due to Lenticular Hilarity.


Slowtini is banned because I hate my computer - why does it do this to me?


Yakanaj is banned for reasons known only to that fork. It's been really tight-lipped about it, but I'm sure we'll get that reason soon enough. :B


Meany is banned because he has the wrong man, the titanium spork did it.


shadowterm is banned because the spork isn't really titanium, it's a gold-titanium alloy.


VSMIT is banned because sporks do not have icing problems, nor a need to retain power to weight ratio.

Ren Gaulen

Shadowterm is banned because someone has stolen the spork and I suspect him.


Ren Gaulen is banned because he is a suspect in a major fraud case.

the case is not a fraud.

Ren Gaulen

Objection! Aiyno is banned for fabricating the evidence!

Yare-yare, daze.


Ren Gaulen is banned because his head is a smiley face.

Ren Gaulen

Aiyno is banned because he is right!!


Ren is banned for agreeing with Aiyno rather then making a case
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Ren Gaulen

E_voyager is banned because I have acquired the ability to smite Evil just by continuously smiling at it.


Ren is banned because he is also able to create evil by starring at non-evil things.

Ren Gaulen

Shadowterm is banned because I can shoot poison out of my eyes to destroy Evil. Also, laser beams.


Ren Gaulen is banned because holyshitAndersonisgoingtokillmeohgod:U

I mean...he's banned for heresy. Yes. Heresy.

Ren Gaulen

Cogidubnus is banned because Anderson counts as a Grey Knights Primarch. And he has a bayonet with your name on it, Cog.. *insert a bloodthirsty-looking smiley here*


Ren is banned for stealing my gimick. Now my hordes of rabid lawyers have to get involved. Joy. :/

Ryudo Lee

Meany is banned for trying to break Fair Use with rabid lawyers.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Ryudo is banned for inciting the wrath of judge judy.

Ren Gaulen

Slowtini is banned for inciting the wrath of Judge Dredd. Now the bannage will truly begin.


Ren Gaulen is banned because he is THE Paladin CLOWN

Ryudo Lee

Aiyno is banned for making Ren impersonate a clown... badly.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Ryudo is banned for impersonating a clow expertly. :>


Meany is banned for invoking the wrath of the cardcaptors.

Ren Gaulen

Slowtini is banned for invoking the wrath of the evil Syaoran.


Ren Gaulen is banned for invoking the wrath of the marshmellow man.
If only I had some nutella and some Graham crackers...

Dang, now I'm hungry. :mowcookie
